N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un attends flight contest by regime's "invincible" air force: KCNA

  • 5 years ago
김정은, 2년만에 전투비행술대회 참관… 한미공중훈련 '맞대응'

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un attended a flight contest this week that was conducted by the regime's Korean People's Army Air and Anti-Air Force.
The North's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported Saturday that the flight exercises demonstrated the (quote) "invincible might" of Kim Jong-un's flying corps.
It said the North Korean leader praised the pilots and suggested such exercises be held regularly to ensure their combat readiness.
Combat flight contests have been a regular occurrence in North Korea, with the country holding similar exercises three times over the past five years.
However, the regime did not hold the exercises last year when inter-Korean ties were on better terms.