• 6 years ago
Raminchuvarevarura Song Lyrics:

Song: Raminchuvararevarua
Raga: Suposhini
Tala: Adi
Composer: Thyagaraja
Language: Telugu

28 harikaambhOji janya
Aa: S R2 S M1 P N2 D2 S
Av: S D2 P M1 R2 M1 S


Raminchu varevarura raguttamma ninu vina


Shamadi sadguna gana sakal bhuvana janulalo


Ramayane su-manramu ramayane sharmamu lasadamara varula kabbeno thyagaraja sannuta

Meaning :
Pallavi : O Most Eminent of the raghus! Without You, whoever would attain bliss?

Anupallavi : O Lord endowed with the series of six-fold virtues beginning with control of mind! O Most Eminent of the raghus! Without You, whoever among people in all the Worlds would attain bliss?

SamAdi ShaDguNa Six Virtues listed below :

Sama - control upon his own mind;
dama - control upon his physical body;

titikSha - forbearence for the odds and evens of the nature;

samAdhAna - equanimity of all beings and having a sympathetic mind;
uparati - indifference with a sAkShi type of mind;

Sraddha - sincere adherence to the words of guru and zAstrAs, by word and deed.

Charanam : Were even the effulgent celestial personages able to perceive the high secret of the word rAma and the delight of the word rama? O Lord well-praised by this tyAgarAja!

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FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/guinnesskarthik
INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/2VYFsh4
TWITTER: https://bit.ly/2JzbjORe
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/veena-artist-n...



THE TIMES OF INDIA: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/c...

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