Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories also known in Japan as Yami Shibai (闇芝居 Yami Shibai, lit. Dark Play) and Theater of Darkness is a 2013 Japanese anime series. The first season was directed by Tomoya Takashima, with scripts written by Hiromu Kumamoto and produced by ILCA. Each episode was animated in such a way so as to mimic the kamishibai method of story-telling. The series is organized into a collection of shorts with each episode being only a few minutes in length. Each episode features a different tale based on myths and urban legends of Japanese origin.
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories also known in Japan as Yami Shibai (闇芝居 Yami Shibai, lit. Dark Play) and Theater of Darkness is a 2013 Japanese anime series. The first season was directed by Tomoya Takashima, with scripts written by Hiromu Kumamoto and produced by ILCA. Each episode was animated in such a way so as to mimic the kamishibai method of story-telling. The series is organized into a collection of shorts with each episode being only a few minutes in length. Each episode features a different tale based on myths and urban legends of Japanese origin.
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories also known in Japan as Yami Shibai (闇芝居 Yami Shibai, lit. Dark Play) and Theater of Darkness is a 2013 Japanese anime series. The first season was directed by Tomoya Takashima, with scripts written by Hiromu Kumamoto and produced by ILCA. Each episode was animated in such a way so as to mimic the kamishibai method of story-telling. The series is organized into a collection of shorts with each episode being only a few minutes in length. Each episode features a different tale based on myths and urban legends of Japanese origin.
Short film