Lucky escape as passersby catch toddler that fell from third floor of Indian house

  • 5 years ago
A two-and-a-half year old child named Mohammed Jamal had a lucky escape after he was caught by passersby after falling from the third floor of his home in India.

On December 1, Jamal was playing on the third floor at Khari vaad area, Daman city, Gujarat when he fell out the window 40 feet above the ground.

According to the child's grandfather, when the child fell from the third floor, he luckily got stuck on the net at the second floor and held on for his life.

Several quick-thinking passersby saw the precariously hanging child, and some ran to the second floor to grab him, while others remained on the ground to catch him.

The boy held for two minutes before falling, where luckily he was caught by people on the ground and escaped with no injuries.
