An Assortment of American Standard Fixtures plus a Bizarre AS Toilet

  • 5 years ago
Recorded at a Restaurant.

This restroom is all sorts of strange, it contains:
•An Old Script Logo AS Sink
•A Block Logo Washbrook from the 70's
•And a Bizarre Old Script Logo AS toilet from 2004

The Washbrook is original to the place since the place opened in the 70's and it's nice to see it here still.

The toilet ain't original, but it's rather Bizarre. It doesn't matter too much since the toilet has a rather lame flush, but it double flushed anyway.

I'm surprised these fixtures are still here. This place was set on fire in the late 2000's and most of it burnt down. It got rebuilt later on and strange enough, none of the fixtures we're harmed, just the front of the restaurant.

Overall, a very interesting restroom.

Rating: 8/10

(This was recorded in December 2018)
