Full version Blockchain Design Sprint Workbook: Implement an Agile Design Sprint for Your

  • 5 years ago
At the leading edge of the next tsunami of change is the blockchain. Best practices and linear thinking are simply not up to the task of managing the kind of disruption that we're facing, because the distributed ledger is a tool for disrupting business models. Thus, the goal for this book is to help you develop a strategy for surviving the coming disruption... and for achieving success in the digital age. This book combines powerful techniques from Agile Innovation design sprints, toincrease your innovative potential, with exercises that are focused directly on building your blockchain business. These are the action steps that are required to make your vision a reality, by implementing a "learning by doing" approach to understanding the blockchain. The skills and strategy that this workbook will help you develop will help you handle whatever the future throws at us. This book will not only help you to understand the blockchain revolution in clear and simple terms, but to unlock your core creativity as well.
