Der Butoh-Ma Meister Tadashi Endo gibt im Wintergarten des Hotels „Insulaner" auf Helgoland ein Interview zu seiner von ihm entwickelten und mit seinen Schülern durchgeführten Performance „Kaizoku tachi", die über 4 Stunden lang vom Südstrand aus über den Lung Wai sich über die gesamte Insel ausbreitet und auf der Landungsbrücke endet. Das Gespräch wird im Beisein des Kurators der Künstlergruppe PARADOX, B.J. Antony, sowie des Malers Gennady Gorbaty von der freien Radiojournalistin Magdalene Melchers geführt. Tadashi Endo reflektiert kurz, was seine Tanzgruppe in diesem Moment auf der Insel realisiert, offenbart einen Einblick in seine Philosophie des Butoh-Ma Tanzes und weiß anregend von seinen Erlebnissen auf und mit Helgoland zu erzählen, wo er bereits 1998 eine Performance von Sonnenaufgang bis Sonnenuntergang innerhalb des ersten Kunstfestivals „Kunst ist eine Insel" der Künstlergruppe PARADOX aufführte.
The Butoh-Ma Master Tadashi Endo gives an interview in the winter garden of the hotel "Insulaner" on Helgoland to his performance "Kaizoku tachi", developed by him and performed with his students. The performance spreads over the whole island from the south beach over the Lung Wai for more than 4 hours and ends on the landing bridge. The conversation will be conducted by freelance radio journalist Magdalene Melchers in the presence of PARADOX curator B.J. Antony and painter Gennady Gorbaty. Tadashi Endo reflects briefly on what his dance group is realizing on the island at this moment, reveals an insight into his philosophy of Butoh-Ma dance and knows how to tell inspiringly about his experiences on and with Helgoland, where he already performed a performance from sunrise to sunset as part of the first art festival "Art is an Island" of the artist group PARADOX in 1998.
The Butoh-Ma Master Tadashi Endo gives an interview in the winter garden of the hotel "Insulaner" on Helgoland to his performance "Kaizoku tachi", developed by him and performed with his students. The performance spreads over the whole island from the south beach over the Lung Wai for more than 4 hours and ends on the landing bridge. The conversation will be conducted by freelance radio journalist Magdalene Melchers in the presence of PARADOX curator B.J. Antony and painter Gennady Gorbaty. Tadashi Endo reflects briefly on what his dance group is realizing on the island at this moment, reveals an insight into his philosophy of Butoh-Ma dance and knows how to tell inspiringly about his experiences on and with Helgoland, where he already performed a performance from sunrise to sunset as part of the first art festival "Art is an Island" of the artist group PARADOX in 1998.