The One Thing: 66 Day Workbook For Kindle

  • 5 years ago
Revised redited NYC CMoSJanuary 2019 using Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. Inspirational work! The author's voice conveys concern, caring, and optimism, creating a positive and inspiring book. He has the necessary confidence and trustworthiness to persuade readers they can achieve their one thing. Part One: Finding Your One Thing: self-exploration; personality tests. Part Two: Achieving Your One Thing: vision; mission; strategy. Part Three: Maintaining Your One Thing: creative shift; technological shift; gratitude; live in the present. Best Books Workbook series: workbooks for America's top books. Where are you right now in your life and career? Are you simply performing a job to pay the bills? Are you in a CAREER that you enjoy, but don't really love? Or are you doing and living your ONE THING? Find out how to move to your highest level. Inspirational is a fitting description for the One
