Viral Reddit Post Swears This Is How To Prevent the Flu

  • 5 years ago
Viral Reddit Post Swears This Is How
To Prevent the Flu .
According to a post on Subreddit LifeProTips, you should avoid
touching your face.
The writer of the post says the advice
stems from self-inoculation.
This is the idea that a sickness can
be spread from one body part to another. .
LPT: Teach yourself to not touch your face throughout the day - you’ll get sick less, as hand to face/mouth contact is one of the most common routes for microbial transmission, Redditor Starbuilt,
via LifeProTips.
People are constantly touching their faces, essentially subconsciously. Therefore, to reduce the risk of transmission/self-inoculation,
stop touching your face, Redditor Starbuilt,
via LifeProTips.
Starbuilt also referenced an analysis from the American Journal of Epidemiology.
In the 1982 study, test subjects first
touched a virus-contaminated surface
and then their own faces.
56 percent were reported
to have become sick.
The CDC says getting a flu shot is the best way to protect yourself against the disease
