• 5 years ago
Have you ever seen something in the store that you like until you saw how much it costs? Yeah, we did. We see these ALL the time in the stores and they sell in the US between $40-$65 a piece! This project you can actually make CHEAPER than what you can buy it for.

We found the frame on the curb and it was in great condition. All we did was clean it really well to get any dirt off so the paint would stick, disassemble, paint, and string it up. We only bought the yarn and the clothes pins for the project. Everything else we had already.

I do realize when editing this, which was super late in the evening and I was exhausted because I do work full time, that towards the end, there is a section out of sequence. Sorry about that. So do not edit when you are half asleep :D

Hope you like the video. Please follow me here and hit that little heart button. Also follow me on Instagram. Thanks for watching!
