About For Books The Last Innocence / The Lost Adventures For Kindle

  • 5 years ago
Poetry. Latinx Studies. Women's Studies. Translated from the Spanish by Cecilia Rossi. THE LAST INNOCENCE and THE LOST ADVENTURES are Alejandra Pizarnik's second and third collections of poetry. Published in Buenos Aires shortly after The Most Foreign Country, her first book of poetry (which she would later disavow), these early poems blend the real and the imaginary, demonstrating the inner torment, deep solitude and acute vulnerability that would plague Pizarnik throughout her short life. This edition includes new English-language translations of both books along with an introduction by poet, translator, and Pizarnik scholar Ana Becciu."Pizarnik's haunting words have garnered a 40-year following, earning her a reputation as perhaps Argentina's most important female poet."--The Argentina Independent
