Hallmark Reverses Stance on LGBTQ Zola Ads

  • 5 years ago
Hallmark Reverses Stance
on LGBTQ Zola Ads.
The Hallmark Channel has apologized after it pulled four Zola commercials.
The ads for the wedding planning website featured a lesbian couple kissing during their marriage ceremony.
The Crown Media team has been agonizing over this decision as we’ve seen the hurt it has unintentionally caused. Said
simply, they believe this was the
wrong decision. , Mike Perry, Hallmark CEO, via statement.
The Hallmark Channel will be reaching out to Zola to reestablish our partnership and reinstate
the commercials. , Mike Perry, via statement.
GLAAD quickly reacted to the
Hallmark Channel's statement.
Victory! The Hallmark Channel’s decision to correct its mistake sends an important message to
LGBTQ people. , Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD president and CEO,
via statement.
GLAAD exists to hold brands like The Hallmark Channel accountable when they make discriminatory decisions and to proactively ensure families of all kinds are represented in fair and accurate ways. , Sarah Kate Ellis, via statement.
Zola has yet to respond to
Hallmark's latest statement, .
but a representative previously said that Zola would
pull all of its advertising from the Hallmark Channel
“for the foreseeable future."
