Swedish tourist goes missing after trip to Thailand's popular Khaosan Road

  • 5 years ago
A Swedish tourist went missing after visiting Thailand's renowned Khaosan Road.

Bengt Erik Gustaffsson, 55, landed with his partner Amporn Maksomboon, 65, at Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok, Thailand last Thursday (December 12) morning.

The Swede was picked up by a friend and they went to his hotel while Amporn took a flight to the south to visit her cousin in Songkhla province.

The pensioner started to worry after her husband, a welder, had not contacted her ever since they separated at the airport.

She called her husband's friend and was told that he already dropped Bengt off at his hotel, next to the nearby Khaosan Road, where the Swede had said he was going.

The pensioner then contacted the hotel in Chonburi where her husband planned to stay after he finished at Khaosan Road but he was not there yet.

Amporn reported her husband missing to police on Monday (December 16) and he was declared as a missing person.

The pensioner said that they live in Sweden and always visit Thailand for the holidays before going in different directions, but he always calls and stays in contact.

She said: "I have been married to him for over 25 years and we usually visit Thailand annually but he has never once disappeared like this.

"I am worried that he might have had an accident, but there's no way for me to know where he is. I contacted the immigration they said they needed the report from the police so I came to the station."
