माउंट एवरेस्ट पर कैसे चढ़ा जाता || how to go mount everest in hindi

  • 5 years ago
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Everest is 29,035 feet or 8848 meters high
The summit is the border of Nepal to the south and China or Tibet on the north
It is over 60 million years old
Everest was formed by the movement of the Indian tectonic plate pushing up and against the Asian plate
Everest grows by about a quarter of an inch (0.25") every year
It consist of different types of shale, limestone and marble
The rocky summit is covered with deep snow all year long
There are 18 different climbing routes on Everest
It takes 40 days to climb Mt. Everest in order for the body to adjust to the high altitude
There is 66% less oxygen in each breath on the summit of Everest than at sea level
Thin nylon ropes are used to keep climbers from falling.
Climbers wear spikes on their boots called crampons
They also use ice axes to help stop a fall
Thick, puffy suits filled with goose feathers keep climbers warm
Most climbers eat a lot of rice and noodles for food
Almost all climbers use bottled oxygen because it is so high. It helps keep the climbers warm.
Climbers start using bottled oxygen at 26,000 feet but it only makes a 3,000 foot difference in how they feel so at 27,000 feet, they feel like they are at 24,000 feet
You have to be 16 or older to climb from the Nepal side and between 18 and 60 on the Chinese side.
The average expedition takes about 39 days.
The Jet Stream sits on top of Everest almost all year long
The wind can blow over 200 mph
The temperature can be -80F
In mid May each year, the jet stream moves north causing the winds the calm and temperatures to warm enough for people to try to summit. This is called the 'summit window'. There is a similar period each fall in November.
It can also be very hot with temperatures over 100F in the Western Cwm, an area climbers go through to reach the summit.
Babu Chiri Sherpa spent the night on the summit in 1999
Apa Sherpa and Phurba Tashi both hold the record for most summits with 21, the most recent one in 2013
Over 33,000 feet of fixed rope is used each year to set the South Col route
You have to be at least 16 to climb Everest from the south side and 18 from the north
Climbers burn over 10,000 calories each day, double that on the summit climb
Climbers will lose 10 to 20 lbs during the expedition


