"NARA" Top 49 Tourist Places | Nara Tourism | JAPAN

  • 5 years ago
Nara (Things to do - Places to Visit) - NARA Top Tourist Places
City in Japan
Nara is the capital of Japan’s Nara Prefecture, in south-central Honshu. The city has significant temples and artwork dating to the 8th century when it was Japan’s capital.

Deer roam in Nara Park, site of Tōdai-ji temple. Daibutsu, Tōdai-ji's 15m-high bronze Buddha, is displayed in a large wooden hall. On the park's east side is the Shinto shrine Kasuga Taisha, which dates to 768 A.D. and more than 3,000 lanterns.

"NARA" Top 49 Tourist Places | Nara Tourism

Things to do in NARA - Places to Visit in Nara

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NARA Top 49 Tourist Places - Nara, Japan, East Asia
