Full version Growing Up Strong: When It's Time to Get Your Child Thinking about Weaning. Review

  • 5 years ago
Growing Up StrongWhen it's time to get your child thinking about weaning.Growing Up Strong is dedicated to all of the mothers of the world and their beautiful children. My daughter went to a bookstore to find a gentle way to nudge her son into thoughts of weaning. When she couldn't find a book on the subject, I offered to write one.Every child is unique. Some kids wean themselves early, and others need extra time. Some need a suggestion from mom. This book is designed to help parents introduce the idea to their child in a gentle way.For More Information, visit his website: JosephSuste.com From Author Joseph SusteThis writing takes me back to my childhood and a wonderful memory of my mother breastfeeding my baby sister early one morning, while my brother, my three sisters, and I gathered around them. It was a euphoric experience for all of us which I will never forget.
