[Read] How to Write a Screenplay That Doesn't Suck... and Will Actually Sell For Free

  • 4 years ago
Want to learn how to write a screenplay that doesn?t suck and can actually make you money?Want to know how to write a movie script that?ll get you the attention of managers, agents, directors, actors--the talent of the industry?Think you got to go to film school and take out thousands of dollars in student loans to learn how to write a script that?s marketable?There are nearly 50,000 screenplays registered with the Writer?s Guild every year. And 99 percent of them suck.But they don?t have to.That?s why I decided to write this book. After ten years spent as a script reader for agents and production companies and having read countless awful screenplays about zombie farmers in Idaho and scrapbooking ninja squads, I decided enough is enough. Life is too short to read bad scripts. What's worse is there was actual talent there.They just didn't know how to put it together.Either they were missing key marketable components that would make their script unsellable...or worse...unmakeable.Or they were subscribing to some screenwriting formula or "how to write a screenplay" cheat sheet they found on the internet somewhere.Truth is, I love reading great screenplays. I love helping talented screenwriters get their material, read, purchased and produced. But I really hate reading crappy screenplays. (And I feel like I?ve read them all.)And what started out as an email rant to my writer friends a few years ago, turned into this "How to Write a Screenplay That Doesn?t Suck and Will Actually Sell" book.It's not intended to be the last word on screenwriting. (It's not even intended to be the first word of screenwriting.)But it is intended to cut through so much of the B.S. that comes out of most screenwriting books, and deliver practical nuts-and-bolts advice that can help turn naive newbie scribes into seasoned veteran screenwriters.And all..without having to take out a Stafford Loan to go to UCLA.So what'dya get from this book?In this content-packed book you?ll learn:The BIGGEST MISTAKE newbie screenwriters make when learning how to write a screenplay--and how to avoid it.How to send an email query to agents and managers that?ll actually GET YOUR MOVIE SCRIPT READ.A quick, easy way to crunch 3 years of film school knowledge into 30 daysHow to write a movie script that?s marketable--before you start on page one.And there's a ton more in there!So before you head out to another hundred-dollar screenwriting conference to learn how to write a screenplay or buy another paint-by-the-numbers 3-act script formula give my book a try.I can?t guarantee you?ll sell your script. (Who knows...you might just be that guy who sent me the zombie farmer script.)But I can guarantee if you follow the 10 steps outlined in this book, you?ll know more about the craft of screenwriting and the way the film business works then 99 percent of the writers out there.And having that kind of knowledge and wisdom can absolutely change your life.
