Curious bull gets head stuck in dustbin at Indian police station

  • 4 years ago
Curiosity got a stray bull into trouble in central India on December 21, 2019.

It wandered into the Civil Lines police station at Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, and put its head into an empty dustbin to check what was inside, and promptly got stuck.

Alarmed, the bull struggled to free its head and began to knock down furniture kept outside the station.

A policeman, Ramachandra Dubey, stepped into help it as his colleagues closed the door to stop it from running in accidentally and wreaking havoc inside.

Dubey struggled to restrain the frightened bull, but persisted with the help of a few onlookers. He managed to remove the dustbin after chasing it for some distance.

An eyewitness said: “There was enough green foliage outside for the bull to feed. It put its head into the empty bin out of curiosity.”