• 5 years ago
Ants, the common, the longest living, and social insects are present everywhere except Antarctica. More than 10,000 known ant species are there around the world. Ants live together in colonies with millions of ants with some unique capabilities.

In this video, we go through the unique capabilities of ants. Ants can carry 50 times their body weight. They have a larger muscle to body ratio than humans. The solider ant being the soldier for the queen uses their heads to block entrances, stopping intruders from entering the colony. When adding the mass of all humans and all ants in the world, they would be equal. There are one million ants for every human on the earth It is estimated that ants have existed on this planet for 130 million years. Ants often kidnap ants from other colonies, and force them to work for them. Ants are the only creature that farms other creatures besides humans.

There are three kinds of ants in a colony: the queen, the female worker and males. The queen and the male has wings. The queen is the largest and the lesser worker is the smallest. The duty of the queen is lay eggs in the colony. Once a queen has mated, her wings fall off. Some queen ant can live for many years, and during that time gives birth to the million of babies. When the queen dies, the rest of the colony will die within a few months. Female workers can travel as long as 200 meters from their colony.

The biggest ant in the world is the bullet ant, found in the Panama jungle can grow up to 1.6 inch (ca. 4 cm). The bullet ant is said to have the most painful sting. Average life span of black garden ant has longer than the average dog (15 years). Fire ant colonies in the Amazon Rain forest link their legs together to create a “raft” allowing them to float down rivers, and travel through the forest. Ants have two stomachs, one for their food and other to feed others. Even though, ants are the smallest insect on the planet they have a whooping 250,000 brain cells. Ants teach each other. They are the only non-mammals who can lean via interaction. Ants are able to navigate using the earth’s magnetic field. Each year, ants move about 50 tons of soil per sq mile. Ants do not have teeth in the mouth, but have external teeth. While in search for food, ants leave outstanding trails, so that, they can know where they have seen the food. Ants don’t have ears, and some of them don’t even eyes. Ants hear by feeling vibration in the ground through their feet. Ants hold the second for the fastest movement in the animal world. When ants fight, is usually led to the death.


