• 5 years ago
Live - Phivolcs puts Taal Volcano under Alert Level 3

Volcano Alert Levels

2. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Alert levels are used to warn people of danger. They differ from one volcano to another.
3. MAYON VOLCANO ALERT SIGNALS Alert Level Main Criteria Interpretation/ Recommendations 0 No Alert Quiet. All monitored parameters within background levels. No eruption in foreseeable future. Entry in the 6-km radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) is not advised because phreatic explosions and ash puffs may occur without precursors. 1 Abnormal Low level unrest. Slight increase in seismicity. Slight increase in SO2 gas output above the background level. Very faint glow of the crater may occur but no conclusive evidence of magma ascent. Phreatic explosion or ash puffs may occur. No eruption imminent. Activity may be hydrothermal, magmatic or tectonic in origin. No entry in the 6-km radius PDZ. 2 Increasing Unrest Moderate unrest. Low to moderate level of seismic activity. Episodes of harmonic tremor. Increasing SO2 flux. Faint / intermittent crater glow. Swelling of edifice may be detected. Confirmed reports of decrease in flow of wells and springs during rainy season. Unrest probably of magmatic origin; could eventually lead to eruption. 6-km radius Danger Zone may
