• 5 years ago
The Dog Walker Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Samantha, an investigative journalist, retires with anxiety disorder after her investigation of a dogfighting ring ends tragically. Helped by her friends, Liv and Jason, Samantha starts over as a columnist in Manhattan with her dog Josie, but when she meets a dog walker, and their mutual attraction sparks a romance, Jason becomes jealous and obsessive. Soon after Samantha’s new life is destroyed when she’s lured back to her nightmare: the unfinished story on the dogfighting ring. Samantha realizes that to survive, she must confront the psychotic stalker, who insists that she solve one last, terrifying puzzle.

Director: Kylie Hitchcock
Writer: Kylie Hitchcock
Stars: Alexandru Aldea, Ed Altman, Robyn Babina
Genre: Thriller, Woman in Peril 74 minutes