• 5 年前
Water's Edge (feat. Karen Luke)
Lyrics: Karen Burke
Composition: David Federmann

He has gone
Heaviness lifts like mist
On a crisp, spring morning,
Letting light lengthen
Into the corners of the room.

Time returns with thoughts
That bounce along the lily pads,
Laughing and skipping,
Singing and dancing,
As a butterfly rests its wings

I breathe
In and out, to and fro,
The balloon bobs in the air,
Shaking loose the leaves
That quiver and fall into the water.
He has taken the road
Long and lonely, it winds, relentless.
Wretched, it stretches,
Deeper and darker,
Wider then narrower,
Long and lonely,
On and on.

The water ripples
Winds whisper the season’s changing clime,
Thinning the branches
Thickening the gorse,
As the butterfly disappears.

He's out the other side
The beaten track burning
The place where the rivers merge, spin
That mountain
That ocean
That city where the lights dance, sing
The rhythm of a different beat.

Winter's in the water
A dance in ice laced with snow
Freezing that taste of where your thoughts go
Along the valley
And up the spine
Within, without
The bracken, the vine

The white carpet cakes the heath
Now I can see this,
Now he has gone.

I breathe
In and out, to and fro,
The balloon bobs in the air,
Shaking loose the leaves
That quiver and fall into the water.

He has taken the road
Long and lonely, it winds, relentless.
Wretched, it stretches,
Deeper and darker,
Wider then narrower,
Long and lonely,
On and on.

That mountain
That ocean
That city
Where the lights dance...

大衛費洛蒙(David Federmann)融合DnB、電子樂、新爵士等多元風格,演化成屬於自己的音樂紀元,透過流暢且層次分明的電子元素堆疊,在這張錄音室作品中重塑生活裡令人印象深刻的種種奇遇。

〈Water's Edge水際〉取材自大衛費洛蒙在咖啡廳Open Mic活動中的所見所聞,一位英國女子站上台朗誦雋永的分手情詩,和現場熱鬧的氛圍產生極大的反差。

〈Significant Others 重要他人〉是在理髮廳裡的不期而遇,當大衛費洛蒙和店員閒聊起旅遊計畫時,同場的老先生竟然順勢託付給他千里尋初戀的責任,大衛費洛蒙於是帶著老先生的名片,前往斯德哥爾摩展開一場「超級任務」。

大衛費洛蒙身旁不乏奇人異士,一位來自馬利的女鄰居,竟然有操控自己夢境的特異功能,〈Dream It 夢遊大作戰〉就是屬於她的爆睡主題曲。


在全新系列計畫,大衛費洛蒙廣邀25位藝術家合力打造,《Water's Edge 水際》是本系列的首發作,共有九位音樂家參與其中。六首歌曲邀請到多位受矚目的名人獻聲,包括英國作家Karen Luke、法國雙人演唱組合「Chagrin d’Amour」中的Valli,以及因為參加法國好聲音(The Voice)而聲名大噪的Awa Sy。

同名曲〈Water's Edge水際〉更被法國FIP電台從25年來的作品中,評選為「夜店音樂首選」之一。除了作為夜店背景音樂外,這張專輯的作品也時常被選錄在音樂平台的運動、健身相關主題歌單中。


