Man buys stolen bike so he can return it to the owner

  • 5 years ago
UNITED KINGDOM — 26-year-old Ste Burke bought an expensive stolen bicycle just so he could return it to the original owner.

Speaking to, Ste said that he was outside his house getting his gym bag from the back of his car when he was approached by three men carrying the bike; he said he spotted a lock around the back wheel and knew it was stolen.

According to Ste, they tried to sell the £1350 bike for £100; he instead offered £80 which they happily accepted.

He said, "as soon as they left I put it on Twitter because I knew it wouldn't have been stolen far away as it was locked."

A few hours later a man carrying paperwork, receipts and the key for the lock met Ste. He told him that his home was "recently burgled" and that he'd pay him back the £80.

Ste respectfully declined and insisted he didn't do it for a reward.
