• 4 years ago
This episode was a part of a 3 episode birthday special for Matsumoto where he got certain rewards and doing acupuncture was one of them!

In the episode following this they meet this old man who makes candy on his free time, hence only releases them at a few occasions during the year. The old man decided to do an exception for Matsumoto as it is later revealed that he's a HUGE fan of his and we see him hugging him and saying I love you and stuff. He truly is a big fan. So across two episodes, they make some candy and eat at a local restaurant.

Screenshot of Matsumoto and Happy old fan: https://imgur.com/YXO9YUt

I'm not gonna say I'm not subbing them but they're not on my schedule right now. This took long enough, sorry for that. Thought I'd be finished sooner


