Learn The New Rules of Money: The Money Game has Changed Review

  • 4 years ago
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Let me temper your expectations right up front. You will not be an expert trader by the time you finish reading this book. Odds are you will not be able to go out and start trading on a live account and win big. As a matter of fact, you probably won't be able start trading live at all. However, once you find a teacher, mentor or someone that has traveled the Forex road to help you, you will be far more advanced than the person that hasn't read this book. The reason I say that is, I truly don't believe the average person can learn the art of trading live just by reading a book because there are too many moving parts. The market moves in a pattern. But because only a certain number of moves can be made hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annually, without understanding what you are looking for, it will be difficult for you to just jump into trading. To make this book as authentic as possible, I personally learned how to trade in about fifteen different styles. I researched the four major styles - scalping, intra-day, positional, and swinging. To be completely honest with you, I also blew my live account at least fifteen different times. But I learned a lesson each time and it helped me to do actual hands-on research, which should keep you from making the same mistakes I made. I wanted to share some of the things I personally witnessed and experienced, not just what I've heard other people say. Experience supersedes knowledge. Although my goal was to write in the simplest way I could, reading it may be like learning a foreign language because there are a lot of words and jargon that are specific to the Forex market. Over the years of dealing with many people, and interviewing some of them, I have come to the conclusion that most of us want the same things in life: to be happy, have money, travel, take care of our family, etc. With that being said, I have also learned that you will never be able to work out somebody else's problem. Although you can offer help, each person must master his or her own individual situation. Take the time to study and learn this skill, because nobody else can do it for you. The information in the following pages will probably not make much sense to you in the beginning, but it will come together in time. Just like a baby taking its first steps, there are many falls before they learn how to walk. Forex/Crypto is no different. It will take a little time to learn it, understand it, and to read and analyze the direction of the market. It is crucial to take notes as you read, so you can refer back to them later. Like my two other books, How to Make Contacts and Win Friends and How to Find Your Passion and Get What You Want, this book will be interactive. The reason I do this is because the more engaged you are, adding your feelings and thoughts, the more you will remember. I want you to understand what is being presented, and to reply in your own words. The best way to do that is to write it down. At the end of a few chapters, your knowledge will be tested through a few simple questions. Take the time to answer them, as this will help you retain the information. Throughout this book I will be giving you some warnings about Forex/Crypto and the market, but at the end of this chapter there will be a reminder of the one that I consider to be the most important: No matter what you've heard or read, in my personal opinion and experience, if you think the market can be predicted by your trades, you will lose. I say the number one warning is that you can't predict the market, because you don't control the market. There are certain candle patterns, certain market structures, that happen at certain times. You will get to a point where you can anticipate the market based on what you've learned and by watching certain patterns, but it can quickly move in a different direction.