Drones are being used in China to help battle Wuhan coronavirus

  • 4 years ago
SOMEWHERE — As the you-know-what continues to spread around the country that will remain nameless, authorities are now enlisting the help of drones to make it look like they are doing something.
According to video posted to Weibo, traffic police in Shuyang county in Jiangsu province have enlisted the help of drones to yell at pedestrians walking around the streets without face masks.
At one point, the drone can be heard squawking at one guy, "the gentleman with a pink coat riding a motorcycle. Yeah, you! Please put on your mask."
In another exchange the drone blurts out, "Hey, guy on the phone! Where is your mask? Wear your mask!"

And in other parts of the country that will not be named, videos from provinces like Jilin, Shandong and Zhejiang have been posted onto social media showing drones crop dusting the air with disinfectant.
Apparently the unmanned aerial machines are more effective at dispersing cleaning solutions than on foot or by car.
Police in the Sichuan province were also using drones to disinfect areas harder to reach like people's roofs. But here's the thing, does your roof really need disinfecting?
Can all these drones make a difference? What do you think?


