Approved | 1h 29min | Action, Drama, Romance, Western | 30 March 1952 (UK)
A Quaker colony tries to save the giant sequoias from a timber baron.
Director: Felix E. Feist
Writers: John Twist, James R. Webb, Kenneth Earl
Stars: Kirk Douglas, Eve Miller, Patrice Wymore
A Quaker colony tries to save the giant sequoias from a timber baron.
Director: Felix E. Feist
Writers: John Twist, James R. Webb, Kenneth Earl
Stars: Kirk Douglas, Eve Miller, Patrice Wymore
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:02:00Well, I've strung along with you in a lot of wild-eyed schemes of yours, but this time you've gone too far. You're going to jail.
00:02:05After all I've done for them.
00:02:07Done for me? Your pentagons cost my syndicate a quarter of a million dollars.
00:02:10No, Mr. Murdock.
00:02:11We financed you to mill lumber in Wisconsin, but you stashed it away for a timber steal in California.
00:02:16According to the new landlord, strictly legal.
00:02:19All I know is what you cost us. You're going to land in prison till we get it back.
00:02:23Putting me in prison is a sure way of losing all your money.
00:02:26Now, what's a couple of hundred thousand to a group like yours?
00:02:29Let me take a boatload of my boys out there and I'll make a fortune for you.
00:02:32Listen to those men. Why, you haven't met a payroll in weeks.
00:02:36Do you think they'd ever work for you again?
00:02:39They like me.
00:02:41You do too, don't you?
00:02:43What makes you think I'd trust you again?
00:02:46Because your syndicate wants money and there's plenty to be had in California.
00:02:52Hey, Jim.
00:02:53What is it, Frenchy?
00:02:54Boys are mighty close to getting out of hand.
00:02:56Look, Mr. Murdock, you better let me get the boys under control before they wreck the mill and you'll be out another 50,000.
00:03:01Daisy, honey, take Mr. Murdock over to the hotel.
00:03:04The best champagne for him and his friends.
00:03:06I just happen to have a couple of bottles in the oven.
00:03:09You come along too, Sheriff. I have a few girlfriends who just love policemen.
00:03:15Don't forget, Fallon, I can put you in jail six months from now just as well as today.
00:03:26Here's your money, boys. Certified cashier's check.
00:03:49Ah, you gave us that check business before.
00:03:51Yeah, we want to see the cash.
00:03:53Where's the money?
00:03:55All right, boys.
00:03:57Anything you say goes.
00:03:59Frenchy, take this check to the bank.
00:04:02Have them send over a couple of guards with the cash.
00:04:05Go on.
00:04:06You heard them. They want their money. Get to the bank.
00:04:11You know what this means, fellas?
00:04:14You're breaking up the team.
00:04:16For good.
00:04:18Jim Fallon and his boys.
00:04:20The minute you sign that receipt book, paid in full, that's the end.
00:04:24You leave me busted. You put me out of business.
00:04:27Good thing it is, Fallon.
00:04:29It's about time too.
00:04:31Pay them off once and for all.
00:04:33Let them come back to work for us honest lumber men.
00:04:35Steady work and regular pay.
00:04:37We've had enough of you, Fallon.
00:04:39You'll leave them down. And right now.
00:04:42A couple of measly bobcats turned tigers.
00:04:45We're not joking, Fallon. Get going.
00:04:49I'm moving no place till I'm ready.
00:04:58Get them out of here.
00:04:59That was great, Jim.
00:05:01All right, sir. What a run.
00:05:04That was all right.
00:05:06That was great, Jim.
00:05:08That was all right.
00:05:10That was all right.
00:05:12That was all right.
00:05:14That was all right.
00:05:17That was all right.
00:05:22Even if I'd been shot, I'd been worth it to know how you feel about me.
00:05:26You still like me.
00:05:28And now I want to tell you why I hoped you'd stick with me.
00:05:30You know me.
00:05:32Jim Fallon doesn't like to hire, he likes to share.
00:05:35And right now I want to share with you the whole north of California.
00:05:39There's giant redwoods out there, men.
00:05:41Big around is that office.
00:05:43So tall you can't see the sky.
00:05:45There's so much board footage in just one of those big trees...
00:05:48...that it makes a month's cutting here look like a pile of toothpicks.
00:05:51Now look.
00:05:53You're the best lumberjacks in the business.
00:05:55That's why you're my team.
00:05:57And that's why I want to take you to California with me.
00:05:59Each man a partner of Jim Fallon.
00:06:01And every man with a share in a hundred million dollars.
00:06:05How do you like that, boys?
00:06:07Do you still want Francie to go to the bank?
00:06:10Then take your chances with me.
00:06:13You might find a couple of cases in the office.
00:06:16Help yourself.
00:06:18Hey, it's all right.
00:06:26Hey, stranger.
00:06:32I don't have to tell you how grateful I am, stranger.
00:06:34I'm Yukon Burns.
00:06:36Your name's luck to me.
00:06:38I ought to make a little statue of you and hang it right alongside this horse.
00:06:41You could hang me there.
00:06:43I'm plum hollow inside.
00:06:45I'll put some stuffing in you.
00:06:47You stick with me, friend, and you'll always have a full belly.
00:06:49Come on.
00:06:54Alaska gold rusher, huh?
00:06:56Yukon Burns, the billionaire.
00:06:58Traveling around in freight cars trying to get a logging job.
00:07:00You got yourself a better job than that.
00:07:02For life.
00:07:04Kind of like me, don't you?
00:07:06Like the way you square-toed it with your men...
00:07:08...and stood up to them gun-toters.
00:07:12Keep it.
00:07:14Honest, huh?
00:07:16Besides being handy with a gun...
00:07:18...I can use a friend like you, Lucky.
00:07:25Hey, Jim.
00:07:31Have to teach them hawks just to keep their nose out of my business.
00:07:36Now wet this.
00:07:45I didn't count on the shooting either.
00:07:47But everything worked out just fine.
00:07:53That'll learn you to keep your big mouth shut.
00:07:56Come on, Yukon.
00:07:59Come on, Yukon.
00:08:12Be right with you, Yukon.
00:08:16Well, your pigeon is thoroughly cooked and basted in white wine.
00:08:19He's all yours.
00:08:21I don't know what I'd do without you.
00:08:23I don't care anymore.
00:08:25Just pay.
00:08:26Don't daisy, honey. Don't you trust me?
00:08:28Don't daisy, honey, me.
00:08:30You prefer Dora Fig?
00:08:32Lay off my pastor or I'll start to steal yours.
00:08:34Forget the past. Think of the future.
00:08:36That's nothing.
00:08:38We're gonna get very rich in California.
00:08:40We'll leave next month.
00:08:43Not we.
00:08:44Not me.
00:08:46Honey, you're part of my luck.
00:08:48Oh, say that, Barani, for when you head into those wild westerners.
00:08:52You won't be pushing around a bunch of these tame Wisconsin stump-jumpers.
00:08:55Don't think those Californians are going to sit around in their rocking chairs
00:08:58and watch you grab off their land.
00:09:00I'll handle that problem when I come to it.
00:09:02Without me.
00:09:04You'll be right there looking out for me, same as always.
00:09:10Always is over, Jim.
00:09:12I'm tired of chasing those smoke rings of yours.
00:09:15I'm staying here, and I'm looking out for me.
00:09:19You're right, Daisy.
00:09:21You do a lot better without me.
00:09:24You said it.
00:09:26I'm no good for you.
00:09:28You're doing a smart thing giving me up.
00:09:35I'm just bad for you.
00:09:37Believe me, Daisy.
00:09:39You should have a life of your own.
00:09:45Thanks for everything.
00:09:54Yeah, you deserve a lot better man than me, but...
00:09:57if you ever want anything, you know where to find me.
00:10:12I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:10:14I'll take care of you.
00:10:16I'll take care of you.
00:10:18I'll take care of you.
00:10:20I'll take care of you.
00:10:22Tough having something like that, Lee.
00:10:24He'll be back.
00:10:26Nobody Jim Fallon likes ever leaves him.
00:10:29That goes for you too.
00:10:32Here's your job.
00:10:34I'm gonna dress you up like a billionaire.
00:10:37You're going to Redwood, California ahead of me.
00:10:39Goodwill merchant.
00:10:41Pick the biggest trees.
00:10:43Just flash that on his face at the hostel near...
00:10:45Hostel? Why?
00:10:47Hope you ain't counting on me using this.
00:10:50When a man's my friend, I count on him for anything.
00:11:06You mean you've never even been to California?
00:11:09Only in my dreams.
00:11:12Why did you send that Alaska sourdough out ahead of me?
00:11:17Let's face it, Frenchy.
00:11:19It's good timber, boss.
00:11:21But people say goodbye to you before you can say hello.
00:11:26That Yukon.
00:11:28Three weeks in Redwood and he's got them eating out of his hand.
00:11:32Yeah, I got a feeling he's gonna bring me plenty of good luck.
00:11:45You're doing right by locking up, Mr. Keller.
00:11:48I hope so.
00:11:55Look here, Keller.
00:11:57You can't keep refusing to let these men file new timber claims.
00:12:00I'm the government agent here, Mr. Gregg. Not you.
00:12:02On that door it says office hours 8 to 6.
00:12:05You're opening up again right now.
00:12:07Let's stay friendly, neighbor.
00:12:11Fallon's man, Burns.
00:12:13I'm Cleve Gregg.
00:12:15You're just another claims helper to me, mister.
00:12:17That's because you're new here.
00:12:19I own the Redwood Sawmill Company.
00:12:21And I aim to finance these men filed for homesteads.
00:12:23The new law wasn't made for timber thieves.
00:12:26What do you mean, Cleve?
00:12:27Every Lumberman around here has a copy of that law.
00:12:30All claims filed under the Stone and Timber Act of 1868 are hereby rendered null and void.
00:12:36Land agents, that's you, Keller,
00:12:38are hereby authorized and instructed to accept applications on any and all such claims in their districts
00:12:44if you'll have $125.
00:12:47I know all about that, Mr. Gregg.
00:12:49Just the same, I'm waiting for more instructions from the Department of the Interior
00:12:53before I let you steal homesteads my friends have owned for 50 years.
00:12:57$125 filing fee for each quarter section is stealing.
00:13:03This fellow's been scouting the biggest trees in the county.
00:13:05And he's probably bribed you to wait until Fallon and his men get here to file on choice claims.
00:13:10Jim Fallon's an honest man.
00:13:12He's gonna pay the old settler for every claim he stakes out.
00:13:15Did you hear that, Jim?
00:13:16Pay him for free land.
00:13:19He's been doing a lot of expensive goodwilling around here.
00:13:22He knows what he's doing.
00:13:24Now get this through your head, Keller.
00:13:26You're opening this office right now or I'll have you jailed.
00:13:29No, you won't.
00:13:31Pay no attention to him, Mr. Keller.
00:13:32Keep thee away from violent Sister Alicia.
00:13:37What are they all dressed up for?
00:13:39There's a hallelujah colony around here.
00:13:41Soul savers.
00:13:43Rigid and religious.
00:13:45The dark-haired one can save my soul anytime.
00:13:50Open that office or I'll have my boys break the door down.
00:13:53You do and you'll walk in on your face.
00:13:55Keller, you're gonna start taking applications right now.
00:13:58Come on, boys.
00:14:03Sister Chadwick, no!
00:14:05Stay thee with us.
00:14:06Hold your ground, Mr. Keller. Be firm.
00:14:08I'm going to Eureka and tell this to the circuit judge.
00:14:12I'll tote your cross for 50 cents, ma'am.
00:14:15No, thank you.
00:14:16Well, seeing as how you're bow-legged, two pence.
00:14:18I am not bow-legged.
00:14:20No, you're not.
00:14:21Sister Chadwick, thy father shall hear of this.
00:14:29There, now isn't that worth it?
00:14:31Here's your quarter.
00:14:32Thank you, ma'am.
00:14:34Ah, Sister Chadwick.
00:14:35Where's your Mr. Fallon?
00:14:37I came to thank both of you for protecting our land.
00:14:39That Fallon's a wonderful lad, ma'am.
00:14:41I'm sure he could teach you manners.
00:14:43That's Jim Fallon.
00:14:50Pleased to meet you, Miss Chadwick.
00:14:51Mrs. Chadwick.
00:14:54Just like I told you, you don't need to worry about your trees no more.
00:14:57Jim here is going to do the claiming.
00:14:59He's got plenty of money.
00:15:00In fact, he invented the stuff.
00:15:02Why haven't you refiled on your land?
00:15:04Multiply 400 quarter sections by $125,
00:15:07and you'll see how much we'd have to pay.
00:15:09400 quarter sections and broke?
00:15:11You must be pretty poor operators.
00:15:13None of these religious colonists ever bother to accumulate much cash.
00:15:17There's no need to.
00:15:18See, Jim, these are wonderful folks.
00:15:21They'll give you anything they got.
00:15:23If they haven't got anything to give you, they'll say a prayer for you.
00:15:27Sister Chadwick, you think prayer is going to save those big trees?
00:15:30We were assured we could rely on you for that.
00:15:33We don't want them touched.
00:15:35What's so special about them?
00:15:38Well, after you've been around them a while, you'll understand.
00:15:42Sister Alicia, come thee away from all those men.
00:15:47There's safety in numbers, Sister Blackburn.
00:15:49Say, by the way, whatever happened to your these and thous?
00:15:52Sister Chadwick has been too long out in the world.
00:15:55I'd like you to meet my father, Mr. Fallon.
00:15:58Won't you have supper with us this evening?
00:16:00I'd like to.
00:16:01I'll meet you at six in the Bixby Grove.
00:16:03Mr. Burns knows the way.
00:16:05I'm anxious for you to see our trees.
00:16:15This must be good luck.
00:16:17I've known a lot of gals.
00:16:18This is the first time one of them ever asked me to come up and see her trees.
00:16:22I thought this trip was supposed to be strictly business.
00:16:25There's a lot of ways of doing business.
00:16:28What are all these promises I hear you've been making?
00:16:30Just plain common sense.
00:16:32Yukon, I'd feel a lot better if you'd walk me home.
00:16:35I'm glad to bodyguard you anytime.
00:16:38Hey, Lucky.
00:16:40I want to talk to you.
00:16:41Meet me in the saloon.
00:16:47You better get rid of that daffy sourdough
00:16:49before he gets you hooked for money he ain't got.
00:16:52I ever had to ask you advice?
00:16:57I passed up top jobs to woods boss your timber grab.
00:17:00He promised we'd make a killing.
00:17:02All I hear now is some idiot promising to pay.
00:17:05Pay for something you can get for nothing.
00:17:07Nobody's gonna pay.
00:17:08As soon as that bull brings in our loggers,
00:17:10I'll run them into the land office and file.
00:17:12Nobody's gonna pay.
00:17:26Let me borrow your knife, Lucky.
00:17:57Biggest, oldest living things in the whole world.
00:18:01Make you feel kind of small?
00:18:06I'm the one that's gonna knock them down.
00:18:09The Widow Chadwickner folks don't want these trees touched at any price.
00:18:13She's a widow, huh?
00:18:15What's the difference?
00:18:16When you grow up, I'll explain it to you.
00:18:20Who was Chadwick?
00:18:22A youngster.
00:18:23Who was Chadwick?
00:18:25A young seafaring fella.
00:18:28Here he lost his life at sea a few years ago.
00:18:33I bet there's a hundred houses in one of these.
00:18:37Look, Jim.
00:18:40These colonists trust in you on account of what I've told them about you.
00:18:44You play square with them and you'll do all right.
00:18:47You bet I will.
00:18:50Twenty-eight and a half feet.
00:18:52This is just a baby.
00:18:58Right on time.
00:19:00Sister Chadwick.
00:19:02Thou hasn't been out of my thoughts a minute.
00:19:04I hope you're both hungry.
00:19:06I look forward to thy home cooking.
00:19:08Then it will please thee to know that thou shall help with the washing of the dishes
00:19:11to make thee feel that our home is thine.
00:19:14It's a lovely walk.
00:19:22It's a lovely walk.
00:19:40Mr. Fallon, this is my father, Elder Bixby.
00:19:42How do you do, sir?
00:19:43Welcome, friend.
00:19:45Mrs. Laffer, Mrs. Wallace.
00:19:46We met, practically.
00:19:47Brother George.
00:19:48How do you do?
00:19:50On the roof, Brother Williams.
00:19:52And Brother Williams' daughter.
00:19:54How do you do?
00:19:57Magnificent country.
00:19:59It's different from Wisconsin, eh?
00:20:01Yes, it is.
00:20:03I've never been stirred as deeply as by your beautiful trees.
00:20:06And his daughter.
00:20:08Then you can understand how we feel about them.
00:20:10Why we hold them in sacred trust.
00:20:13Somebody's bound to get them by claiming.
00:20:15Not if we can help it.
00:20:17I'm certain we can place faith in Mr. Fallon and Mr. Burns
00:20:20to help us keep them from destruction.
00:20:22If I felt like you did about trees,
00:20:24I'd soon be out of business.
00:20:26The giant sequoias are more than trees, friend.
00:20:28They are the everlasting living sign of our creator's work.
00:20:32Four thousand years old.
00:20:35As old as the book and the faith.
00:20:37This was just a little one.
00:20:40Only 900 years old.
00:20:42But it was a living sapling
00:20:44when the Norman conquerors invaded England.
00:20:46It was about this size
00:20:48when Columbus discovered America.
00:20:49About this large,
00:20:51the time of George Washington
00:20:53and our Declaration of Independence.
00:20:55This marks the time of Abraham Lincoln
00:20:57and the Emancipation Proclamation.
00:20:59It was felled during the term
00:21:01of our present president, Mr. McKinley.
00:21:03God made them to touch the skies.
00:21:05Taller than any spire of any church.
00:21:08They are our church.
00:21:10Our place of worship.
00:21:12Mr. Fallon will build you a dozen churches.
00:21:14Let's be practical.
00:21:16You men cut timber.
00:21:17The small trees are all we cut.
00:21:19The giant redwoods, we do not.
00:21:21The government passed a death sentence
00:21:23on every tree in the district.
00:21:25We know you'll help us.
00:21:27I admire your faith.
00:21:47A real home.
00:21:50Where do you sit?
00:21:52We ladies eat later.
00:21:54As it should be.
00:21:56Mr. Fallon, will you sit here?
00:22:00What's your name?
00:22:02His name is Tom.
00:22:04No wonder he likes me.
00:22:06While the ladies are setting the meal,
00:22:08we'll read from the scriptures.
00:22:10It is our custom to ask the stranger
00:22:12in our house to do the reading.
00:22:15Of course.
00:22:17Perhaps Mr. Fallon would rather quote from memory.
00:22:20It's safer if I read.
00:22:22I've been known to get my verses mixed.
00:22:28Here, from the Psalms of David.
00:22:32Blessed is he that considers the poor.
00:22:35The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.
00:22:52Blessed is he that considers the poor.
00:22:55What did you get me into?
00:22:57You got me into it.
00:22:59You sent me out here.
00:23:01Look, Jim, how much are you going to pay
00:23:03these folks for this land?
00:23:05Lucky, you better start getting yourself
00:23:07some common sense.
00:23:09Do you realize how much it costs
00:23:11to operate a timber outfit?
00:23:13I can't afford to pay for thousands of acres
00:23:15but I gave my word and you...
00:23:17Once, last, and for all.
00:23:19There's not going to be any payment
00:23:21for any land the government says is free.
00:23:23You sound like a claim jumper to me.
00:23:25If you know what a sourdough will think
00:23:27of that stripe, you don't want me around.
00:23:29Where are you going?
00:23:31Back to Alaska to get me some fresh air.
00:23:33Lucky, nobody Jim Fallon likes ever leaves him.
00:23:35I'm kind of superstitious about my luck
00:23:37running out on me.
00:23:39Look, you got the wrong slant.
00:23:41It ain't something you can wear on a watch chain.
00:23:43It ain't even money in your kick.
00:23:45Nine times out of ten, it's the way you live.
00:23:47Look who's talking about living.
00:23:49When I picked you up,
00:23:51you were a job-hunting, empty-bellied crumb.
00:23:53Look at you now, you're just beginning to live.
00:23:55But it's going to be my way.
00:23:57Why, you stinkin' claim jumper!
00:24:00Oh, now take it easy.
00:24:02Get out of my way!
00:24:04Hey, now take it easy.
00:24:07Take it easy.
00:24:15Take it easy.
00:24:28You win, Lucky.
00:24:32I'll pay the premium for the land.
00:24:35And you won't cut the big trees?
00:24:41Sorry, Jim.
00:24:43I'll get you a doctor.
00:24:45I'll get you a doctor.
00:24:59Now be reasonable.
00:25:01I'm offering you a royalty of 1%.
00:25:03You throw in all logging equipment.
00:25:07All right, 2%.
00:25:09And believe me, this is all faith, hope, and charity.
00:25:12I believe you.
00:25:13You're a decent man.
00:25:15I like you for trying to do what you don't have to.
00:25:18Well, that's very nice apple-butter.
00:25:20How much did the elder tell you to hold out for?
00:25:22I've told you we're only interested
00:25:24in saving these giant trees.
00:25:26Not your money.
00:25:28Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:25:30I didn't say anything about money.
00:25:32Just percentage.
00:25:34Percentage of what you own?
00:25:36Or what someone else owns?
00:25:38Sister Chadwick, my conscience is clean.
00:25:40All right, another half percent.
00:25:41What's your conscience name?
00:25:43Mr. Yukon Burns?
00:25:47This is a very good place to talk about conscience.
00:25:50This is our church.
00:25:52Let's lay off the pious price hiking
00:25:54and admit the trees are trees and money's money.
00:25:56You folks stand to make a million.
00:25:58You're right.
00:26:00Some trees are trees.
00:26:12Come here.
00:26:19You ever seen anything more beautiful?
00:26:23Certainly there's enough timber around here
00:26:25without you destroying these.
00:26:27I live by the board foot.
00:26:31Doesn't all this beauty mean anything to you?
00:26:38That's what it's all about, sister,
00:26:39the beauty of the world.
00:26:41That's what makes men thresh the wheat,
00:26:43the grapes, hire a band.
00:26:45All the sweat a man has poured on earth
00:26:47has been for beauty.
00:26:49The beauty of women.
00:26:52Yeah, that's the buggy whip
00:26:54that drives us, Alicia.
00:26:58You know what I mean?
00:27:00I certainly do.
00:27:02You're wasting all the pretty words.
00:27:04Not words.
00:27:10You're wasting time as well as words.
00:27:15I gotta hand it to you, Widow Chadwick.
00:27:17You sure know how to put a man on ice.
00:27:20Why not?
00:27:22Business should be practical and cold.
00:27:25So let's be practical.
00:27:33Lumberman, look.
00:27:35How tall?
00:27:37Five feet, five and a half.
00:27:40213 feet.
00:27:42How big around?
00:27:4424 waist.
00:27:4616 feet.
00:27:48Total footage?
00:27:50Wonderfully proportioned.
00:27:52Roughly, uh, 33,000 square feet.
00:27:55And every inch alive.
00:27:57$14 for a thousand board foot
00:27:59delivered in San Francisco.
00:28:01That's a lot of footage.
00:28:03That's a lot of footage.
00:28:04$14 for a thousand board foot
00:28:06delivered in San Francisco.
00:28:08You got soft lips.
00:28:10Now, it takes five times as much labor
00:28:12to market one of the big trees
00:28:14as one of the little ones.
00:28:16And there's only three times as much lumber.
00:28:18Therefore, the giants aren't nearly as profitable.
00:28:20You haven't been kissed nearly enough.
00:28:22I said profitable, Mr. Fallon.
00:28:24You ought to understand that.
00:28:28You're quite a mathematician to solve this problem.
00:28:30Either you take 3% or I'm taking your land.
00:28:32Like it says in the Bible,
00:28:34the Lord helps him who helps himself.
00:28:36Then you'll need a lot of help.
00:28:38I've got it.
00:28:40A boatload.
00:29:20The Fallons.
00:29:22They're taking over the land office.
00:29:28Judge Crenshaw!
00:29:29That's Crenshaw!
00:29:32That's Crenshaw!
00:29:33Bless thee, Judge.
00:29:34We're thankful you're here.
00:29:35I hurried all the way from Eureka.
00:29:37Still swarming with boomers, I see.
00:29:39They mean to claim our land.
00:29:41Well, we'll see what can be done.
00:29:44I thought you were going to file on the names of the colonists, Mr. Fallon.
00:29:47That was yesterday.
00:29:48My boys are filing. I want those application blanks.
00:29:51I've got the cash right here to cover all of them.
00:29:54Just a minute, Keller.
00:29:56Judge Crenshaw.
00:29:57Must I take these applications?
00:29:59Yes, from anyone mean enough to use this land grabber's law.
00:30:02Can't Mr. Keller wait.
00:30:04Maybe some of this can raise the filing cost.
00:30:06He can't wait.
00:30:07I know claim law. You've got to have a place in line.
00:30:10Let's have those application blanks.
00:30:14Step up, boys.
00:30:15Fill in those blanks and duplicate.
00:30:18Fallon, this is Subterfuge with intent to defraud.
00:30:20Filing on the dummy signatures.
00:30:22These men aren't dummies. I'm only loaning them the money.
00:30:25Are you willing to go on record that's illegal?
00:30:28No, I'm not.
00:30:29But the court will go thoroughly into the case.
00:30:31Suits me fine. By that time the logs will be off and the court can have the stumps.
00:30:37Jim, you've got to let them keep the big redwoods.
00:30:40I came here to get the big ones.
00:30:43He'll never get them.
00:30:45We could have cut enough timber to raise our filing fees.
00:30:47But we believed you, Mr. Burns.
00:30:49We trusted you because of him.
00:30:51But that's past, Mr. Fallon.
00:30:53We know you now.
00:30:54With the help of the Lord, somehow we'll stop you.
00:31:02So far you've made a liar out of me.
00:31:04Hand back every one of them application blanks.
00:31:07There ain't gonna be any filing of any kind here.
00:31:16You win again, Lucky.
00:31:21Keller, go ahead with those applications.
00:31:23I beat you half to death once.
00:31:25Now I'm gonna finish the job.
00:31:29Please don't try it, Duke.
00:31:35Don't do it, Lucky.
00:31:36Keep out of there.
00:31:52Here's your boat fare.
00:31:54I hear there's still gold in Alaska.
00:31:58I'm staying here.
00:32:02Then you'll get hurt again.
00:32:07What time you got yourself straight on that sourdough?
00:32:14He's twice the man you'll ever be.
00:32:19Come on, boys, fill out those blanks.
00:32:37I'd never treat a timber boss of mine like that.
00:32:40Let's you and I have a drink sometime.
00:32:46It's a better time than now.
00:32:51And wash us clean of hatreds, our father,
00:32:54that we may call no man our enemy.
00:32:56Make our faith in thee to be without question of thy will,
00:33:02that we may live the words of the scripture.
00:33:06Love the Lord with all thy heart,
00:33:08and with all thy soul,
00:33:10and with all thy might.
00:33:16Thou art always welcome amongst us, but...
00:33:18But I can't lick Fallon alone.
00:33:20Now, you've got some mighty hefty boys here,
00:33:22and if you'd use them the way the Lord suggests...
00:33:25That's right, Yukon.
00:33:26Sis, hush. Let him give his testimonial.
00:33:30Well, I've been a wicked man in my time,
00:33:33with a weakness for drink and cards and other trifles.
00:33:38But I've done some reading of the book.
00:33:41And when it says,
00:33:42Love thy neighbor with all thy heart,
00:33:44and with all thy soul,
00:33:46that's great.
00:33:47But if it's not enough,
00:33:48it tacks on with all thy might.
00:33:51And that means might.
00:33:53And that there's fightin' talk.
00:33:54That's the only kind Jim Fallon will ever understand.
00:33:57Violence is not in our creed.
00:33:59Yeah, I know.
00:34:01And I believe in turning the other cheek.
00:34:04But you just about run out of cheeks.
00:34:06It's time you started growin' some religious muscles.
00:34:08Thou dost not understand our covenants.
00:34:11Well, appears not.
00:34:12But where I come from,
00:34:13the Lord didn't build strong backs
00:34:15just to let wickedness seize the earth.
00:34:17Whatever we do, Mr. Burns,
00:34:18will be done in conformance with the law.
00:34:21But Mr. Fallon is using the law
00:34:23to take our land.
00:34:25The Lord will not fail us.
00:34:29Well, see, it's no use.
00:34:32Thanks anyhow, Elder,
00:34:33for lettin' me voice my theology.
00:34:42The book of Job,
00:34:449th chapter, 22nd verse.
00:34:46They that hate thee
00:34:48shall be clothed with shame.
00:34:50I'm Judge Crenshaw.
00:34:52I've been lookin' for you.
00:34:54I've been lookin' for you.
00:34:55I got somethin' I wanna talk to you about.
00:34:57So have I.
00:34:58Well, then hop in, both of you.
00:35:00We'll go over to your place
00:35:01where we can talk in private.
00:35:07Mr. Burns, I heard you were an honest man
00:35:09and good with a gun.
00:35:10And I also heard you confessed to a weakness
00:35:12for liquor, cards, and women.
00:35:14Not women, Your Honor.
00:35:16They ain't for the weak.
00:35:17One of the principal reasons for my coming to Redwood
00:35:20was to appoint a marshal.
00:35:27You got one, Judge.
00:35:28Then that's settled.
00:35:30Congratulations, Yukon.
00:35:32I guess this gives him the power to stop Jim Fallon.
00:35:35Well, it won't keep those applications of his
00:35:37from being mailed to Washington.
00:35:39It would take an act of God to stop that.
00:35:42Judge, just how would a legal man define an act of God?
00:35:46Well, I'd say any cataclysm,
00:35:49which was not caused by the human hand.
00:35:54That got anything to do with cats?
00:35:57Nice kitty.
00:36:22Come in.
00:36:35Sister Chadwick.
00:36:36Good evening.
00:36:37Taking up with four-footed beasts, eh?
00:36:41Don't blame you what I've seen of the two-legged kind.
00:36:44Don't you think the new marshal was an excellent choice?
00:36:46Mr. Burns is a good man.
00:36:48Transferred Fallon's claim money out of here into the bank.
00:36:51He wouldn't want it to reflect on me if anything happened.
00:36:54I've got a letter of protest written by Judge Crenshaw,
00:36:57stating his opinion of our rights in this case.
00:36:59He wants a copy forwarded to Washington,
00:37:01along with every one of Jim Fallon's applications.
00:37:04Well, it's getting late and I'm awfully hungry.
00:37:07That's a lot of copy.
00:37:09I'll get started on it.
00:37:10You go home and eat.
00:37:12Uh, do you mind if we open a window?
00:37:14It's rather stuffy in here.
00:37:16I'll do it.
00:37:22Better lock up after me.
00:37:28See you later, Miss Alicia.
00:37:47Mr. Alicia, I have some grub for your cat.
00:37:49Get away, Mr. Dogfood.
00:38:26Wait a minute.
00:38:30I don't want anybody taking anything out of here.
00:38:43Mrs. Chadwick, what happened?
00:38:45It was my cat, Mr. Keller.
00:38:46Getting out of the way of two stray dogs.
00:38:49Don't blame the cat at all.
00:38:51Giddy, giddy.
00:38:52Giddy, giddy.
00:39:17You just gonna stand there and watch it burn?
00:39:20Boy, that's quite a sight.
00:39:22My applications are in there.
00:39:24Your claim money was transferred to the bank, Fallon.
00:39:27I'm the only loser. It's burning down my courtroom.
00:39:31I see.
00:39:37I suppose no one thought of calling the fire department.
00:39:40How did it happen?
00:39:44For a cat.
00:39:51Dear sister, you're not the sweet child I first knew.
00:39:54Me neither, Jim.
00:39:56Let him that stole steal no more.
00:39:58Rather let him labor working with his hands, the thing which is good.
00:40:02I'm not a profusion.
00:40:04I'm a profusion.
00:40:06I'm a profusion.
00:40:08The thing which is good.
00:40:10First floor, line 26.
00:40:13Kelly, you better wire Washington tonight for a new batch of application plaques.
00:40:17What's your hurry?
00:40:18You can't file again until they send duplicate title records.
00:40:22That takes time.
00:40:28That is the most satisfying act of God I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing.
00:40:32Judge, I demand you appoint a marshal to investigate.
00:40:35I've appointed one.
00:40:37Marshal Burns, will you kindly look into this case?
00:40:40Marshal Burns?
00:40:43There's not much I can do about an act of God.
00:40:46I cite you a precedent, Mr. Fallon.
00:40:48The Chicago case of Mrs. O'Leary's cow.
00:40:51Of course, we're not quite so big as Chicago.
00:40:53We've only got a cat.
00:40:55Thanks, Jimmy.
00:41:00As you so rightly said, the Lord helps him who helps himself.
00:41:04You raise the money for the filing fees by cutting and selling timber.
00:41:08That fire doesn't change a new law.
00:41:10Your flock can't work property they don't own.
00:41:13Mr. Fallon's right, that's the law.
00:41:15I'll follow the law to the letter, Jim.
00:41:18That's all I want.
00:41:21Looks like you'll have to train that cat to steal trees.
00:42:12Quiet, everybody, quiet, or I'll have you all removed.
00:42:16Fires may come and Rome may burn, but this court's now in session.
00:42:20One defendant's charged with, Marshal.
00:42:22Your Honor, James Fallon accuses these men of cutting trees on land they no longer own.
00:42:27That's right, those claims are now the property of the United States government.
00:42:31How do the defendants plead?
00:42:3530 days of hard labor.
00:42:37Marshal, I remand the prisoners to your custody
00:42:39and order you to see that the following sentence is carried out.
00:42:42They are to cut timber on government property.
00:42:44The logs are to be transported to Tidewater here at Redwood.
00:42:48Your Honor, what do you intend to do with those logs?
00:42:51Well, section 7, paragraph 18 of the penal code states,
00:42:56trinkets or other saleable objects produced by prisoners may be sold,
00:43:00and the monies therefrom given to them at the time of their release as an aid to rehabilitation.
00:43:05Logs 40 feet long are not trinkets.
00:43:08This court is serving the ends of justice, sir, and you are held in contempt.
00:43:13Marshal, collect the gentleman's fine, $100.
00:43:18All right.
00:43:20But for $100, I want to say something.
00:43:25Any further remarks, I'll make it three.
00:43:31Put this in your safe.
00:43:33It will more than cover the fine.
00:43:35Court's adjourned.
00:43:41In the next 30 days, we must do six months' work, night and day.
00:43:44And even on the Sabbath, we'll be lifting the ox from the ditch.
00:43:47We'll need $50,000 to save our land.
00:43:49Marshal, will you kindly rush the prisoners to the woods?
00:43:54Bring him to the woods.
00:43:56Bring him to the woods.
00:43:58Bring him to the woods.
00:44:00Bring him to the woods.
00:44:02Bring him to the woods.
00:44:04Bring him to the woods.
00:44:06Bring him to the woods.
00:44:08Bring him to the woods.
00:44:10Bring him to the woods.
00:44:12Bring him to the woods.
00:44:14Bring him to the woods.
00:44:16Bring him to the woods.
00:44:18Bring him to the woods.
00:44:20Bring him to the woods.
00:44:22Bring him to the woods.
00:44:25Bring him to the woods.
00:44:27Bring him to the woods.
00:44:30Bring him to the woods.
00:44:33Bring him to the woods.
00:44:35Bring him to the woods.
00:44:37Bring him to the woods.
00:44:42One week more, God willing, we'll have our claim money.
00:44:48My old lady and the kids are having a rough at home.
00:44:51told you you just have to wait for your money that's no good partnership is fine
00:44:54on paper but I need some cash that goes for me to all the money I've got in
00:44:58a bank I'm saving for more claim but the boys are talking about heading back
00:45:02nobody wants to stay that's the truth. Breaking up the team again. Well this time
00:45:09you can't leave men when the new application blanks get here I'll meet every one of
00:45:12you the boys don't feel good about that either about what they don't like the raw
00:45:16deal you're giving these natives what's the matter with you bird getting gooey we
00:45:21came out at
00:45:21a work not to steal this is strictly legal and there's a lot of talk that it ain't
00:45:27French you take the boys over to the saloon. It won't work Jim.
00:45:35All right I'll meet you the bank get out of here.
00:45:39You're going to go. Once you start that
00:45:46you'll start hitting every week or so won't take long to whittle down your capital
00:45:50thinking again. Jim. Remember that sawmill man Greg.
00:45:56He'd be a pretty soft partner for
00:45:59a smart fellow like you stop thinking so hard Frenchy you'll never get yourself
00:46:03a bad headache.
00:46:08That one's getting down to a shoestring he's finally dipped into his claim money.
00:46:14Is where I steer him to you for financing you may not finally get an introduction to
00:46:17the great Jim Fallon the Fallon company becomes lacrosse and Greg you call the
00:46:22shots Frenchy we're with you.
00:46:32A soft partner draws a pretty hard contract he really doesn't need you it's
00:46:36a good deal I'll stop bluffing Greg deceased I get it if anything happens to me
00:46:43the Fallon company goes to you to sign a gem great girl release funds to your
00:46:47account. Just want you to know I could see through that swamp you call
00:46:51a brain Jim's always suspicious but you won't shove any knives in my back because
00:46:57you'll never get a stick the tide water without me how do you mean. That little
00:47:02secret is my life insurance.
00:47:07I don't want to impose on you but do you mind looking after these girls to the rest
00:47:12of their baggage arrive.
00:47:17My you.
00:47:22I've been.
00:47:25I've been.
00:47:28I've been.
00:47:31I've been.
00:47:34I've been.
00:47:36I've been.
00:47:50All right men have fun the drinks are on the company.
00:47:57Machine. I'm going to.
00:48:02You think I could make your slipper full of white meal. She's from Texas.
00:48:15Little. I've been dreaming of you for days I used to dance in a beer cake for
00:48:21dimes remember that big swell headed lumberjack who never had the dime we're
00:48:25going all right now honey how's it feel to be queen of Redwood City.
00:48:31Fine if you're the king.
00:48:42Same old Jim Daisy I know we're going to be rich very rich just sign these door
00:48:47of faith. Yep the same old Jim what kind of last news at this time while
00:48:54Westerners you warned me about try to cut my throat this is just to give me a
00:48:58little protection.
00:49:08It's lucky for you I learned to write instead of read thanks now Jasper you saw
00:49:14the lady sign these notarized.
00:49:23Well I'm ready for a nice warm bath.
00:49:26The tub down the hall. Well I'll be seeing you honey. Oh look I'm going to
00:49:33Sacramento for a couple of days you make yourself at home Frenchy look after
00:49:37you. Sure be nice to.
00:49:43Come in. Miss Fisher may I present the sister Chadwick.
00:49:50It's a tambourine honey.
00:49:53I'm sorry Jim I didn't mean to intrude.
00:49:56Daisy's an old friend.
00:49:58He means well season.
00:50:02I came to tell you we've cut enough timber our logs will soon be a tad.
00:50:07Faith has been realized.
00:50:09We'll be able to keep our lands.
00:50:12But my father and I wanted you to know if you want to stay here and work.
00:50:17Will help.
00:50:20Goodbye Miss Fisher.
00:50:21Goodbye Jim.
00:50:27Lucky for you my father never owned a shotgun.
00:50:29What about hers.
00:50:31Believe me Daisy I'd rather have my head shot off by a fig than my soul saved by
00:50:34a Bixby.
00:50:36Have fun girl.
00:50:50I'm the.
00:50:53On the.
00:50:55I can dance with gestures and grace.
00:50:58I'm a definite style and a beautiful smile if by chance you glance at my face.
00:51:05The barbers the cops and first nighters.
00:51:08They all have pictures of me.
00:51:11I'm sharing my fame with the fighters.
00:51:15John L.
00:51:16And knock out.
00:51:18I am.
00:51:20Known as the toast of the barbary coast and the kind you'll never forget.
00:51:26I'm a very cute queen and you'll know what I mean if you read the police
00:51:48If you're feeling depressed let me humbly suggest there's a way for you to
00:51:57Simply turn to the page to the news of the stage when you read the police
00:52:28Drink to one.
00:52:32Got a lot of things in common.
00:52:35Name one.
00:52:37Well we.
00:52:40Both been Jim Fallon's chump.
00:52:43I'm through how about you.
00:52:44What's rattling around in that head of yours.
00:52:46But Daisy.
00:52:48Jim's out of town he's up to something you're part of it.
00:52:51What's going on.
00:52:53Why don't you ask Jim when he gets back.
00:52:55I'm paying cash money for information.
00:52:58I have a notion to tell Jim about this.
00:53:01You die on the eye of a flea on the thigh of a needle on the neck of a nap.
00:53:14I've seen things that damn wasn't there last week.
00:53:17Not like that it wasn't.
00:53:19But the foundation's been there since the old mining days.
00:53:21Jim Fallon.
00:53:23Well he's sure got the colonists blocked.
00:53:25Not just the colonists.
00:53:27Nobody is running any more logs the tidewater without my say so.
00:53:30We're partners.
00:53:33I've got you right where you thought you had me.
00:53:35You bought that damn with my money.
00:53:37I don't own it.
00:53:39I just got permission to control the river with it.
00:53:41Alan you've gone too far.
00:53:46My good health is very important to you boys.
00:53:48Anything happens to me the owner of that dam will see that you never get a log to market.
00:53:52Oh by the way I brought back another surprise for you from Sacramento.
00:53:55Be in town this afternoon.
00:53:57I have an appointment with Judge Crenshaw.
00:54:04Franchise for the dam is valid.
00:54:06Fire property right established by the miners when this was gold rush country.
00:54:10We've got to locate the owner.
00:54:12I'm sure if he knew what it means to...
00:54:14His name is Alan Dora Figg.
00:54:16Dora Figg?
00:54:19Sacramento post office box is the only address.
00:54:22I'm sorry there's nothing I can do.
00:54:24Absolutely nothing.
00:54:26Thank you Judge Crenshaw for making that clear.
00:54:28Show help me Jim.
00:54:30I can hardly keep this gun from going off right in your face.
00:54:32Don't blame me.
00:54:34You're the one that led these sheep right into the middle of this wolf fight.
00:54:36Judge Crenshaw.
00:54:38This is for you.
00:54:40From the head of the Department of Interior.
00:54:42It is my considered opinion that the Fallon company can without penalty...
00:54:46Proceed to take possession of and clear their land.
00:54:49You mean they can cut down our trees?
00:54:51I'm afraid they can.
00:54:53Frenchy you and Greg set the boys to work right now.
00:54:56Possessing and clearing the land.
00:54:58You see sister Chadwick you and your friends could have made a pile of money.
00:55:01Didn't you ever learn any other word except money?
00:55:06You're getting in a rut Jim.
00:55:08You better look out.
00:55:09Because when a rut gets deep enough it becomes a grave.
00:55:12You got a couple of partners liable to put you in it.
00:55:39I will live.
00:55:56Oh Lord.
00:55:58Hear our last prayer in this temple.
00:56:01If it's destruction be by thy will.
00:56:04Then to thy higher judgment we bow.
00:56:09Open the hearts of each of us.
00:56:11To speak forgiveness for these men of greed.
00:56:15Who have not been touched by thy understanding.
00:56:25Don't take any back talk.
00:56:27We've got the law with us.
00:56:40Come out of there you fools.
00:56:42You're in the line of fall.
00:56:44We must leave.
00:56:47It's our home.
00:56:50My place is here.
00:56:52They want to go down with the ship it's their hard luck.
00:56:54We murder him.
00:56:56He gets life for murder.
00:56:58We get the company.
00:57:01The years that grew into these trees make them long and tedious to saw.
00:57:06It's time to get our friends Judge Crenshaw and the marshal.
00:57:10Go on.
00:57:35What's the matter with you men?
00:57:37You undercut that tree to hit the cabin.
00:57:39That's right.
00:57:40Stop the sawing.
00:57:42Where's the Bixby's?
00:57:44How should I know?
00:57:57I'm sorry but you may lose your house.
00:58:06My father's in there.
00:58:08Stay here.
00:58:35Don't let him get away.
00:59:31You're under arrest.
00:59:33Alan orders to fall that tree.
00:59:36Don't hurt him.
00:59:40It's your company Alan.
00:59:42You're the man that will have to face the indictment for murder.
00:59:45Trying me already huh?
00:59:47No you'll get a fair trial but not from me.
00:59:49I'm prejudiced.
00:59:50I'll have to disqualify myself.
00:59:52But you'll get your justice.
00:59:55Take him to Eureka and hold him without bail.
00:59:58Alan will hang for this.
01:00:03It was a meditated murder.
01:00:07That's not true.
01:00:09He meant my father no harm.
01:00:12Jim Alan risked his life trying to save him.
01:00:16I saw him.
01:00:18You saw him too.
01:00:20Well it's just a dream.
01:00:22It's just a dream.
01:00:24It's just a dream.
01:00:25You saw him too.
01:00:27Well he's still responsible for the actions of the Fallon company.
01:00:30His own woods boss will testify against him.
01:00:37I'll testify for him.
01:00:44Let Fallon go.
01:00:46Can't hold a man to answer when the chief witness is for the defense.
01:00:49Release him.
01:00:58My people forgive those who trespass against us.
01:01:01My father most of all.
01:01:55Let's go.
01:02:14Brother Woodruff has told me that French has been making threats against Jim's life.
01:02:17Why do you care?
01:02:19Anybody shoot Jim Fallon would be the most popular fella in town.
01:02:21You're the marshal. Don't let it happen.
01:02:27You're not in love with that no good, are you?
01:02:31But girl, you're crazy.
01:02:33You see a big Tom Leopard out in the woods and you don't get close.
01:02:36That is unless you happen to be a lady leopard.
01:02:38He's been gentle enough with me.
01:02:40That's when he does his creeping.
01:02:42Now you listen to me, girl.
01:02:44A Marion Parson could straightjacket Jim Fallon
01:02:46and lock him in a box in the bottom of the sea.
01:02:48He'd still slip the gaff and run off with the wedding presents.
01:02:52Men have been known to change.
01:02:53Oh, lady.
01:02:55Even I've been given up by women reformers.
01:02:57The biggest mistake a woman can make
01:02:59is to pick the wrong man and try to make him right.
01:03:01Why don't you just go off somewhere
01:03:03and have a good cry and forget him?
01:03:06I'm reminding you of your duty, marshal.
01:03:09See that he's protected.
01:03:12Alicia, it's started.
01:03:14What do we do?
01:03:16Are you sure?
01:03:21It's Jim.
01:03:23It feels like any minute.
01:03:27Take her to the hotel.
01:03:29Room 204.
01:03:33That's Jim Fallon's room.
01:03:35Why not? This is all his fault.
01:03:45See those lighted windows upstairs?
01:03:47They're his.
01:03:49You get up in the land office ruins.
01:03:51Maybe you can pot him from there.
01:03:53He doesn't know you.
01:03:55You take the saloon.
01:03:57Bullock, I'll stay out here.
01:03:59You get on the hotel porch.
01:04:01He comes through the lobby, signal me.
01:04:03One of us has got to get him.
01:04:23Come on.
01:04:44Come on upstairs.
01:04:46Now what have I done?
01:04:48I want to talk to you.
01:04:54Hey, stranger.
01:04:56What'll it be?
01:04:58Double straight.
01:05:09Your sister will be all right.
01:05:20What's that?
01:05:23This is one thing you can't pin on me.
01:05:28Looks like you and the stock arrived at the same time.
01:05:32Bill, it's a boy.
01:05:34There was no place for a baby to be born.
01:05:36Whose baby?
01:05:38Where can I find some water?
01:05:40Right down the hall.
01:05:44What is this, a hotel or a nursery?
01:05:46A baby was just born here, thanks to Jim.
01:05:51I mean, thanks to Jim.
01:05:53I'd better get out of here.
01:05:55It might be catching.
01:05:57Now what's this all about?
01:05:59You and your land grabbers forced them out of their home.
01:06:01I had nothing to do with it.
01:06:03Too bad his father can't be here.
01:06:05I had nothing to do with that either.
01:06:12So for all I care, you can stay on your pious pedestal.
01:06:16I've never placed myself on any pedestal.
01:06:18I'm too full of bad temper.
01:06:22What a girl.
01:06:24Why, you jigger-bitten Don Juan,
01:06:26you just try pitching hay with her
01:06:28and I'll shoot that lump you call a head
01:06:30right out from under your hat.
01:06:32Forget it.
01:06:34I tried once, got frostbite in the middle of July.
01:06:36That don't mean she's not stuck on you.
01:06:38You're crazy.
01:06:41Maybe so.
01:06:43When you signed that deal with French,
01:06:45it was heads you die and tails you get killed.
01:06:47Who do you think's got me looking after you?
01:06:48Alicia Chadwick?
01:06:50I don't believe you.
01:06:52Why should you?
01:06:54It wouldn't mean anything to you.
01:06:56You're gonna have everything you wanted.
01:06:58You're gonna be a millionaire.
01:07:02Why don't you tell the truth just once?
01:07:04Why don't you come clean and admit
01:07:06that all this wine you're guzzling
01:07:08is as sour as vinegar?
01:07:10Tell me more.
01:07:12You stinking steak jumper.
01:07:14I'm only trying to save your hide.
01:07:16Not because I want to,
01:07:18but because I promised her.
01:07:21You still like me, don't you?
01:07:26Come on, sweetheart.
01:07:28I want you to watch me thank Alicia
01:07:30for sending you back to me.
01:07:32Let's go.
01:07:48Get back!
01:08:18Get back!
01:08:49Yukon loved this girl.
01:08:53He understood.
01:08:55Look where it got him.
01:08:58He lost his life protecting you.
01:09:02He should have looked out for himself.
01:09:09When I was a child,
01:09:11I was taught to believe that there was a
01:09:13a God-given seed of good
01:09:15at the root of everything alive.
01:09:17But I'm beginning to doubt that now.
01:09:21There isn't the slightest bit of good in you.
01:09:46I love you.
01:09:48I love you.
01:10:17I got your message. What do you want?
01:10:19Come in.
01:10:24Sit down, Judge.
01:10:28Look, I figured out how you can stop
01:10:30Frenchy and Greg from cutting on that land.
01:10:32I had that figured out long ago.
01:10:34But you'd have to confess to subterfuge
01:10:36and attempt to defraud when you file
01:10:38those claims for homesteads.
01:10:40And that's a felony.
01:10:42Sit down and draw up an affidavit.
01:10:47The government will hold all your claim money for forfeit.
01:10:49What do you want me to do?
01:10:51Burst out in tears?
01:10:53Yeah, I've been trying to make a dent in you
01:10:55ever since I got here.
01:10:57Stop trying or you'll break your axe.
01:10:59Get those colonists to logging so they can file.
01:11:02Will you take care of Dora Fig
01:11:04and the dam that's blocking them?
01:11:06Let's pretend I'm Dora Fig.
01:11:08You thought of everything, didn't you?
01:11:10I admire what you're doing, Fallon.
01:11:12Then keep your mouth shut about it.
01:11:14Around everybody.
01:11:16What do you think Frenchie and Greg
01:11:18are going to do when they find out?
01:11:20Just stand there with their hands folded?
01:11:22Just make out that affidavit, will you?
01:11:26I'll give you back your good luck piece.
01:11:28You'll need it for those tree wolves.
01:11:31Thanks, Judge.
01:11:34Oh, uh, I've been eating some eating money, too.
01:11:37Want to cover that?
01:11:39It's covered.
01:11:42High man deals.
01:11:47Come on, I'll teach you to think of your soul
01:11:49instead of your belly.
01:11:51Check those through to San Francisco.
01:11:56Hate to see you leave, honey.
01:11:58Sure gonna miss you.
01:12:02You'll be beating the drums while she's singing her hymns.
01:12:04Happy trip.
01:12:06Oh, uh, just Dora Fig, please, will you?
01:12:08You'll have to talk to Frenchie about little Dora Fig.
01:12:10Come again?
01:12:12I sold the dam to Frenchie for $25,000.
01:12:16Easy, honey.
01:12:18That's not funny.
01:12:25What's the matter?
01:12:27Wrong flavor?
01:12:32You're telling the truth.
01:12:34That property was mine.
01:12:36After all, I couldn't live forever on your promises.
01:12:40What promise did I ever break to you?
01:12:43You never broke any.
01:12:44But you never kept any.
01:12:46It took me 10 years to get the stars out of my eyes.
01:12:49All the rugs I helped you pull out
01:12:51from under the suckers.
01:12:53I learned.
01:12:55Oh, boy, how I learned.
01:12:57Enough to pull the whole floor
01:12:59right out from under you.
01:13:05Knock me sky high.
01:13:07You'll land on your feet.
01:13:09You always do.
01:13:11That $25,000 will repay me
01:13:12for all the years I've wasted.
01:13:14Yeah, man.
01:13:16I finally got me a stake.
01:13:21Got yourself educated and well-heeled, huh?
01:13:26Nice work, Dizzy.
01:13:28I'm patting myself on the back, too,
01:13:30for being a good teacher.
01:13:32So long, pal.
01:13:34No hard feelings.
01:13:43Thanks, Brother Fallon.
01:13:45Judge Crenshaw told us you led us through the dam.
01:13:47Blessings on me this beautiful day.
01:13:49Frenchy brought the dam out from under me.
01:13:51You're choking the river with logs for nothing.
01:13:53Is this another of thy tricks?
01:13:55The spots of the leopard do not change.
01:13:57Well, it's time to change yours.
01:13:59Why don't you men get some bristles on your back
01:14:01and start the fight?
01:14:03It's your only chance to spring those logs
01:14:05and get back your land.
01:14:07You can't pray that dam out of the way.
01:14:09No, but we can get around it.
01:14:10That old mining railroad on our property.
01:14:12It wouldn't take much new track to bypass the dam
01:14:14and haul the logs to the river below it.
01:14:16Sister, that'll do it.
01:14:18We'll need some rails and tools.
01:14:20I'll swindle somebody out of them.
01:14:26Sometimes it's all the same.
01:14:28How many of you men worked on that spur track last time?
01:14:30Judge Crenshaw donated this.
01:14:32Feed your boys good.
01:14:34They work faster.
01:14:36That was very kind of him.
01:14:38And you, too, for helping us.
01:14:40We're just between us leopards.
01:14:42Keep watching my spots.
01:15:06That one's almost to the river with that track.
01:15:10If it gets there, we're out of business.
01:15:12Yeah, the way that cuttin' timber.
01:15:15How many trestles are there?
01:15:19Show me the one nearest the river.
01:15:41Come in.
01:15:43My first time in a caboose.
01:15:45Mr. Wallace.
01:15:47The slapper who went to town with the baby.
01:15:51How we doing?
01:15:53Just fine.
01:15:55Five carloads have gone already,
01:15:57and this one goes this afternoon.
01:15:59I hate to admit it, but thanks to Brother Fallon.
01:16:01It is good to have him on our side, isn't it?
01:16:03It makes one feel like the strength of Jeroboam was with us.
01:16:06He must mean Jeremiah, Jeremiah.
01:16:07Jeroboam was a scamp.
01:16:09I guess I mean both.
01:16:11See thee later.
01:16:13Oh, tell Mr. Fallon I'll be here
01:16:15till suppertime if he needs me.
01:16:17All right.
01:17:03Next one's your pay.
01:17:05I thought that one would do it.
01:17:08What was that?
01:17:10We'd better find out.
01:17:18He's right in there.
01:17:20Quiet, he might have a gun.
01:17:22Who is it?
01:17:24Better speak up fast.
01:17:38Colonist, huh?
01:17:40We'll never find him in this bush.
01:17:42We'd better get a train over that trestle quick.
01:17:59Release the brake on the caboose,
01:18:01and while you're at it, lock the doors.
01:18:03We'll take care of the in-cars.
01:18:07All right.
01:18:37Let's go.
01:19:08Mr. Chadwick figured out we need two more carloads.
01:19:11I think it'll be quicker to get them from below.
01:19:13Let's move.
01:19:15All right.
01:19:17Hey, boss.
01:19:30What happened?
01:19:33I don't know.
01:19:34What happened?
01:19:37They said one more train would crash it.
01:19:41Crash what?
01:19:44The third trestle near the river.
01:19:48Sounds like a train now.
01:19:50Can't be, the locomotive's not due to one o'clock.
01:19:54Get him to a doctor.
01:19:56Boss, it is a train.
01:19:59Where's Mr. Chadwick?
01:20:01She's in that caboose.
01:20:04All right.
01:20:34Let's go.
01:21:04Let's go.
01:21:34Let's go.
01:22:04Let's go.
01:22:34Let's go.
01:23:04Let's go.
01:23:27I'll read you.
01:23:28Mr. Chadwick, thank God you're safe.
01:23:30But no thanks to you, you sanctimonious bunch of jellyfish.
01:23:34They shot Brother Williams, they almost killed her.
01:23:37Now, we can't sail over that train to repair the trestle,
01:23:39and we can't get locked to tidewater
01:23:41as long as that dam stands in the way.
01:23:43Now, I'm asking you for the last time.
01:23:45Help me smash that dam.
01:23:49Don't hurry.
01:23:51Think it over.
01:23:53You got two whole seconds before I get out of here.
01:23:59May God forgive us, Brother Fallon.
01:24:04Waiters, we'll follow.
01:24:06Come on.
01:24:11Men with the dynamite, come with me.
01:24:13Tiny, keep us covered all the time.
01:24:17Now, brothers, you know the job we have to do.
01:24:31Allen's taken over the dam.
01:24:32I think he's going to dynamite it.
01:24:34Yeah, I think they're going to blow it up.
01:24:36Quiet, what's that?
01:24:38Don't move.
01:24:40The hand of judgment's upon you.
01:24:46You brothers with the rope, get busy.
01:24:56Stand thee aside, sisters, while I use the stone.
01:25:03I don't feel a bit wicked.
01:25:05Bring me another stone.
01:25:32Come on.
01:26:02Come on.
01:26:32Come on.
01:27:02Come on.
01:27:32Take cover!
01:28:02Come on.
01:28:33They look different to you, now.
01:28:36Mrs. Fallon, please.
01:28:38Couldn't I?
01:28:40Just one little one, huh?