Signataire du Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies depuis 2003, le Groupe Bolloré s’est engagé à intégrer ces principes dans sa stratégie, sa culture et ses opérations au quotidien. C’est pourquoi chaque année, le 9 décembre, lors de la Journée Internationale de lutte contre la corruption des Nations Unies, nous exprimons notre détermination à lutter contre cette menace.
Since 2003, the Bolloré Group is a participant to the United Nations Global Compact and committed to integrate the principles in its strategy, culture and its daily operations. This is the reason why on December 9 each year, on the United Nations Anti-corruption Day, we express our commitment to fight against this global menace.
Since 2003, the Bolloré Group is a participant to the United Nations Global Compact and committed to integrate the principles in its strategy, culture and its daily operations. This is the reason why on December 9 each year, on the United Nations Anti-corruption Day, we express our commitment to fight against this global menace.