This Day in History: St. Valentine Is Executed

  • 5 years ago
This Day in History:
St. Valentine Is Executed February 14, 278 Valentine, a holy priest
in Rome in the days of
Emperor Claudius II, was executed. Believing that Roman men were unwilling
to join the army because of attachment
to their wives, Claudius banned all
marriages and engagements in Rome. Realizing the injustice of the decree,
Valentine defied Claudius and
continued to perform marriages
for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions
were discovered, Claudius
ordered his execution. Legend has it that while in jail,
St. Valentine left a farewell note
for the jailer’s daughter, signing
it, “From Your Valentine.” Gradually, February 14 became
a date for exchanging love messages,
poems and simple gifts such as flowers.

