Majority of Americans Are Fine With Eating Less Meat

  • 4 years ago
Majority of Americans Are Fine
With Eating Less Meat The findings come from a survey conducted
by Yale and Earth Day Network. More than 1,000 U.S.
adults participated. Fruits and vegetables are far from
unpopular, with over nine out of 10
saying they are inclined to eat more of them. More than half are also willing to
eat less red meat and go for plant-based options. Reasons such as cost and uncertainty seem to be keeping people from healthier diets. 58 percent claim a greener diet
is too heavy on the wallet. Half are unsure of what to buy and
how to cook certain products. 64 percent even say that nobody has
ever encouraged them to eat healthier products. Experts say eating more plant-based food helps
you as well as the environment. Earth Day Network director Jillian Semaan also
says its the quickest stance one can take in the
battle against climate change. Jillian Semaan, via The Verge
