Full version Direct, Digital, and Data-Driven Marketing, Fourth Edition Review

  • 4 years ago
Digital. Mobile. Social media. The marketing world has been forever changed by these communication channels. They are the latest weapons in the arsenal of the tech-savvy organization. Through them, twenty-first century marketers can establish and nurture customer relationships, communicate with customers one to one, promote and build brands--the same objectives as the old corner grocer. The difference? These interactive mediums are lightning fast, allow for immediate customer response, and provide users with unprecedented tools to measure and analyze the effectiveness of their campaigns.Direct, Digital, and Data-Driven Marketing recognizes the growth of these various digital formats as the newest interactive channels for conducting modern marketing. But it does not overlook the traditional principles of direct marketing still relevant today. This fourth edition takes an insightful, in-depth look at contemporary marketing concepts, strategies, and techniques and the dynamic innovations that continue to drive and shape this multi-faceted, multi-dimensional field.
