Tara Sutaria who skyrocketed to success after her TV debut with the show The Suite Life Of Karan And Kabir, is a total fashionista. At Armaan Jain and Anissa Malhotra’s wedding festivities, the Student Of The Year 2 star made it clear that desi looks are her strongest suit. From fresh colors to heavy embellishments, the star experimented with almost everything during the wedding. Tara somehow brings a very fresh approach to the table when it comes to fashion and there is no denying that. Today, Tara Sutaria will glide down the runway for the one and only Punit Balana at Lakme Fashion Week.For gliding down the runway, Tara Sutaria opted for a pinkish white number by Punit Balana. The high-waisted lehenga had a knot detailing at the waist with elaborate floral danglers. The lehenga also featured all over butti and intricate embroidery running through the fabric.Revealing her midriff, she wore a choli with a scoop neckline and all over embroidery. The diva completed her look with a pinkish white dupatta with a beautiful sheen. For her glam look, Tara wore a thin layer of neutral makeup, filled in her brows and let down her tousled wavy locks. She elevated her look with pearl and gold earrings, bangles and a round ring.
सिल्वर पिंक लहंगे में बेहद खूबसूरत दिखीं तारा सुतारिया
#TaraSutaria #LakmeFashionWeek2020 #PunitBalana
सिल्वर पिंक लहंगे में बेहद खूबसूरत दिखीं तारा सुतारिया
#TaraSutaria #LakmeFashionWeek2020 #PunitBalana