Foods That Increase Energy

  • 16 years ago
MLM businesses can be lucrative opportunities - that is, if you take the time to do your homework. Doing your homework means getting to really know the company and the products that the company offer. When you do that, you start learning about the background of the company, and your product knowledge improves. Eventually, your knowledge will help you sell more products. The more you sell, the more money you earn. Soon, others will want to find out more about your secret of success. And that is when you start building your down line. But before all that can happen, you first need to identify the right MLM opportunity.

Who is Mona Vie.

Mona Vie is an MLM company that was launched in 2005 by company Monarch Health Sciences. Monarch Health Sciences was founded in 2003, and the company distribute diet and weight loss supplements. The new company was formed to take over responsibilities such as bottling, distribution and marketing of Mona Vie Juices. The CEO of the company is Dallin Larsen, and the company is run by 10 experienced executives. The company also has a medical advisory board.
