• hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Mario Rodolfo Canu is the commander of the crashed plane and lived here in this house on 639 Independence Street. Report to the building manager, Pedro Medina: -How long has Canu lived here? -With whom, with the family? -Who did Canu live with? -What was Canu like? -When was the last time you saw Medina? - Did you make any special comments? -Has Canu girlfriend? (Leo Gleizer)
Reference: Mario Rodolfo Canu is the pilot of the aircraft of Aerolineas Argentinas injured in Colonia Tacuari, a town located in the southwest of the province of Chaco.
Date: 2/2/1970
Duration: 1 minute 58 seconds
Film code: B-01646

Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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