Financial Independence (Getting to Point X): An Advisor's Guide to Comprehensive Wealth

  • 4 years ago
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Discover the ten key issues to achieving your financial goalsand how to use them to realize your dream of financialindependence From saving to purchase a first car, to putting kids throughcollege to planning for retirement, to preserving your estate foryour loved ones, our financial goals change from one stage of lifeto the next. While those goals and the challenges we face inachieving them may differ, all of them have certain things incommon. Saving, budgeting, managing debt, minimizing taxes andliving within your means. These are a few of the 10 Key WealthManagement Issues which come into play (to varying degrees) whenworking toward specific financial goals. But there's one goal forwhich success relies on all ten keys coming together in perfectharmony: financial independence, also known as "Point X." No matterhow you define it--whether it's a retirement income of $25,000a year, or an estate worth $250 million--your future financialindependence requires that you deal effectively with all ten keyissues. And now this book shows you how to get it done, along withthe guidance of a trusted advisor.Supplies you with a complete roadmap for arriving at "Point X,"financial independence with key milestones and important twists andturns clearly definedIdentifies the 10 key wealth management issues and offerspriceless advice and guidance on negotiating each on your road tofinancial independenceProvides you with both success and failure stories so you canlearn from others' real life experiencesProvides you with tax planning facts and strategies within thewealth management issues that will show you how to minimize yourmost significant expense and at the same time maximize your savingson the road to your "Point X"
