Full Version Shift: A Leader's Guide to the Platform Economy Complete

  • 4 years ago
Click Here : https://rd.filegood.club/?book=1941420095
Disruption is an increasing concern among business leaders as the global economy restructures around super-corporations like Apple and Alibaba. Companies that fail to adapt to this economic shift are disappearing while those that do are reshaping how careers are built. How are companies adapting? Where are you in this transformation? How can you improve your chances for success? Innovation and disruption expert Haydn Shaughnessy answers these questions and more in Shift: A Leader's Guide to the Platform Economy. Shaughnessy explains how recent changes have affected all levels of business, from new employees to seasoned executives, freelance entrepreneurs and small business owners. Part One explains how the current turbulence in enterprise operating models came about and how it affects companies and individual careers. Part Two explains how successful companies adapt to a new way of doing business. Part Three focuses on the individual by explaining how the changing economy and disrupted business models impact people, their careers and livelihood now and into the future. Most importantly, this part identifies the skills and abilities required to thrive in business moving forward. Shift is critical reading to ensure you and your company are adapting appropriately in a disruptive and uncertain economy. Whether you are a business leader or an employee, a freelance or small business owner you are sure to find unique value in the insights from Shaughnessy's observation on an economy in flux.
