National Park Firearm Ban Lifted

  • 16 years ago
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute is the place to be.

The Bush administration recently announced the overturn of a federal rule that severely restricts firearms in national parks. In January, 2009, law abiding citizens who hold a permit for concealed weapons will be able to carry guns in most national parks and wildlife refuges. For the past twenty five years, the rule has been that people could have a firearm at a park, but it had to be unloaded and not easily accessible. This seems kind of far off from the claims of the Second Amendment, because how can you protect yourself from an attacker if you have to go searching through your car trunk to find your gun and a separate box of bullets and then take the time to load the gun? Your attacker is not going to stand and wait while you prepare to defend yourself. Chris W. Cox, the National Rifle Association
