Full version From Here to Prosperity: A Practical Policy Agenda for a Sustainable Economy and

  • 4 years ago
The rich are getting richer while those in the middle are no better off, and there are still large numbers of good people unable to escape poverty. This is a proven fact. Although we have made great advances in technology, education, and health care and the world is more interconnected than it has ever been, we are sadly still fighting and killing each other over territory, beliefs, or greed. There is an answer to this, but it requires innovative thinking to develop a political agenda that is sustainable, affordable, and practical at local, national, and global levels. Our society is not meeting the needs of the majority of people; the system is not working. It needs a measured and constructive yet radical rethink before matters get out of control?but by then it will be too late. We can change it all, author Tom Burgess argues, as it has been done before and now needs to be done again to build a society that is sustainable and fair and offers everyone real opportunity. From Here to Prosperity looks at where we are now, what needs to be changed, which way we want to go, and how to get there. It offers a Manifesto for a Movement, based on three simple proven ideas that fit on a new dimension rather than the right, left, or center of the traditional political spectrum. Up to now, what has been missing has been the collective political will to bring in radical change. We need to put aside divisive rhetoric and instead use the language of consensus and compassion, of listening and understanding, of leadership and vision. Burgess outlines an Agenda for Action to influence the influencers, change the attitude of voters, and boost confidence in the possibility of change. From Here to Prosperity proposes a Promise to the People to bring better government, a strengthened democracy, and comprehensive capitalism, creating a society where the wealth produced goes to the wealth producers so that the vast inequalities and the high level of poverty can be reduced significantly within a generation, and enterprise and endeavour are encouraged, bringing true opportunity to everyone. The book addresses the groundswell of frustration evidenced by the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring with a practical public policy agenda for a sustainable future and greater social justice.
