Blood Quantum Film Trailer - Plot synopsis: The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'gmaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are immune to the zombie plague. Traylor, the tribal sheriff, must protect his son's pregnant girlfriend, apocalyptic refugees, and reserve riffraff from the hordes of walking white corpses.
directed by Jeff Barnaby
starring Michael Greyeyes, Elle-Maija Tailfeathers, Forrest Goodluck
release date March 27, 2020 (in theaters, Canada), Spring 2020 (in limited release, US)
directed by Jeff Barnaby
starring Michael Greyeyes, Elle-Maija Tailfeathers, Forrest Goodluck
release date March 27, 2020 (in theaters, Canada), Spring 2020 (in limited release, US)
Short film