• 5 years ago
Ever go to take another bite of an apple, and notice how it's started to brown just a few minutes after the first bite? Or, how about the annoying fact that avocados will turn brownish-black in what feels like just seconds after you've sliced them? That's all due to a fun little chemical reaction called oxidation, and it doesn't only apply to food—it can happen to your foundation, too.

Chemically, oxidation occurs when a chemical reacts with another molecule and then loses some of its electrons, increasing its oxidation state or oxidation number. In cosmetics, this can result in color and consistency changes. So, you know how your foundation looked perfectly matched and natural when you ran out the door, but a quick middle-of-the-day mirror glance left you looking a little orange? Well, oxidation might be to blame.

There are many contributing factors that may cause your foundation to oxidize — skin texture, cleanliness, natural oils, and even the way a foundation appears once it is applied, dries, and is mixed with oxygen. Luckily, there are things you can do to prevent this. Ahead, Dr. Joshua Zeichner, Director of Cosmetic & Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, and Jamie Greenberg, celebrity makeup artist and Marshalls Beauty Expert for their expert tips to prevent your foundation from oxidizing. For more information and latest videos please subscribe our channel


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