• 5 years ago
In some versions of his Stage Persona, William Branham opposed Women taking an active role in the church. Those versions of the Stage Persona preached very strongly against female ministers but also preached against Women participating in spiritual gifts. According to Branham in those instances, Women should be "in the kitchen" instead of participating in the worship service.

When a woman gets from behind the table in the kitchen, in the house, taking care of her own little ministry God give her, her babies, she’s out of the will of God. Put her in a pulpit, she’s out of the will of God. There’s no Scripture for a woman preacher. I want some man to stand and tell me that, look me in the face.
Branham, 1963, Apr 12. The World Is Falling Apart

They say I’m too hard on Women preachers. The Bible says for them not to speak in the church. The Bible forbids them to speak in tongues, or anything, in the church.
Branham, 1956, Jun 10 - Perfection

Not all versions of his Stage Persona were opposed to Women participating in the service, however. Throughout his evangelistic career, multiple Women would take active roles in Branham's ministry. Some of them, such as Anna Schrader, were both ministers and alleged "prophetesses". In the 1950 version of William Branham's Stage Persona, Schrader was praised for her work in Branham's "healing" campaigns.

Rev. Wm. Branham preached the first revival campaign in the New Life Tabernacle, of which Jack Moore, co-editor of this magazine, is pastor. This great revival, which lasted from Nov. 25 to Dec 4, was preceded by a ten-day preparatory meeting in which Sister Anna Morehead Schrader, mightily anointed prophetess of the Lord, was the minister. Sister Schrader was also greatly instrumental throughout the Branham campaign with various gifts of the spirit which are humbly operated through her.
Wm. Branham Dedicates New Life Tabernacle With Thanksgiving Revival: Sister Schrader Greatly Used. 1950, Jan. The Voice of Healing.
In the cult following of William Branham, the views of Women and their roles are more closely aligned with the versions of his Stage Persona which were against Women taking active roles in the church instead of the versions which were supportive of females. A majority of his recorded statements disagreed with the Stage Persona supportive of Women such as Schrader, and those recorded statements are used to claim that Branham was firm in his stance against females active in the church. As a result, many of the passages from the Bible which describe Women in leadership, evangelistic, spiritual, or other roles are seldom discussed.



