Fernando Galmarini - Borislav Stankovic - Mundial de Basquet 1989

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Press conference of the Secretary of Sports of the Nation, Fernando Galmarini where he talks about the meeting he had with Borislav Stankovic regarding the basketball world cup that will take place in the Argentine Republic on August 8, 1990. Then journalists ask: -What is the deadline for defining the venues? Report to Mr. Borislav Stankovic: -How does the international basketball federation judge the organization of the World Cup here in Argentina? -Isn't there any issue on which you would like to prioritize in the sense of noticing some kind of delay or possible inconvenience in this organization's progress? Insert Carlos Menem receiving Mr. Borislav Stankovic together with a FIBA ​​delegation in the government house. (Adrián Maidana)
Date: 10/29/1989
Duration: 2 minutes 19 seconds
Code: UG-2275

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