Are You Willing To Be Illegal To Refuse the Mark of the Beast?

  • 4 years ago
The Mark of the Beast (666) prophecy in the Book of Revelation (13:16-18) makes it clear that only with the mark will you be able to function normally within society: without it you will be considered illegal, because you will be forced to operate outside the legal structure of the system. The world is gearing up for a police state, where biometric identification, RFID chips, microchip implants, etc. are used to determine who are the "good guys" and who are the "bad guys". This video explores the inevitable consequences of being "illegals" for anyone who chooses to follow Christ rather than take the Mark of the Beast, in a world where the majority end up siding with the System. Are you willing to take that stand?


End Time Survivors is a movement preparing people for something called "The Great Tribulation". We welcome contributions from others.

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