• 5 years ago
Follow along with Skyler, age 7, and learn how to make a photogram. Roughly translated from Greek, the word photogram means "light drawing."


• sun-sensitive paper (available online and at art stores)
• cardboard
• thumbtacks or tape
• opaque (not see-through) materials like paper, arts and crafts supplies, or objects found in nature
• folder, envelope, or box
• tray with water


1. Use thumbtacks or tape to mount a sheet of sun-sensitive paper on a piece of cardboard.
2. Arrange opaque materials on the sheet. You can use paper, arts and crafts supplies, or objects found in nature. Secure them with thumbtacks or tape.
3. Protect your photogram from the sun by storing it in a folder, envelope, or box.
4. Take it outside and expose it to the sun for a few minutes.
5. When the sheet turns light in color, remove it from the sun.
6. Indoors, remove the materials from the sheet.
7. Place your sheet in a tray of water and develop it for a few minutes.
8. Then, let it dry and admire your photogram!
