"KNOCKING ON DOORS" is a reality show with many emotions about family with the aim to bring precious values of family ties. With the two charming and funny hosts Quoc Thuan and Thuy Nga, they will knock on a family's door at mealtime to greet and get to know the current situation of the family as well as their joy, worries, regrets, and wishes...
At the end of each episode, the family will be given many surprising and touching gifts full of family affection!
"KNOCKING ON DOORS" is a reality show with many emotions about family with the aim to bring precious values of family ties. With the two charming and funny hosts Quoc Thuan and Thuy Nga, they will knock on a family's door at mealtime to greet and get to know the current situation of the family as well as their joy, worries, regrets, and wishes...
At the end of each episode, the family will be given many surprising and touching gifts full of family affection!