Indian police break up migrant worker demonstration outside train station during COVID-19 lockdown

  • 4 years ago
Hundreds of people In the western Indian state of Maharashtra defied lockdown norms and gathered in the streets after rumours began that trains were resuming service.

The incident took place near the Bandra Railway Station in Mumbai city on April 14.

Video shows a massive gathering of people waiting outside the station waiting for trains to arrive, in defiance of both the nationwide lockdown and social distancing guidelines.

The situation triggered an alarm as cops rushed to the spot to disperse the crowd.

According to the reports, people came out as April 14 was supposed to be the last day of the initial 21-day lockdown phase. However, the lockdown was extended until May 3 by order of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in response to the crisis.

Meanwhile, the Indian Railways have cancelled train services until the restrictions are lifted.

According to reports, most of the gatherers were migrant workers who were eager to go back to their homes and villages.
