• 17 years ago
German master glassblower Gerhard Finkenbeiner (1930 - 1999) rediscovered and has built the Glassharmonica since the beginning of 1980's in Waltham, MA (USA) tells the story, shows to actor Alan Alda how to make it and how to make a glass explode with a sound for TV program "Scientific American Frontiers". With appearances of Tom Hession (glassblower) and Tim Nickerson (musical assistant). The second part (see video : " Glassharmonica / Alan Alda's first lesson with Thomas Bloch " - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRvNX7x6qcI ) shows the French multi-instrumentalist Thomas Bloch (Glassharmonica, ondes Martenot, cristal Baschet) giving a lesson to Alan Alda and playing the Glassharmonica in Finkenbeiner's factory. February 1998.

Finkenbeiner's shop informations : http://www.finkenbeiner.com
Glassharmonicist Thomas Bloch informations : http://www.thomasbloch.net

Other names : armonica de verre (France), Armonica de vidro, orgue de verre (France, Belgium), crystal harmonica, crystal armonica, glass organ, crystal organ, Armónica de cristal (Spain), Armonica a bicchieri (Italian), glasharmonika (Germany, Denmark, Sweden), glassharmonika (Norway), Harmonika szklana (Poland), close instruments : glass harp, glassharfe, glass harfe, harpe de verre, verrophon, verrophone, seraphim, verres musicaux, musical glasses


