Full E-book Schools Under Surveillance: Cultures of Control in Public Education by Torin Monahan

  • 4 years ago

Schools under Surveillance gathers together some of the very best researchers studying surveillance and discipline in contemporary public schools. Surveillance is not simply about monitoring or tracking individuals and their data?it is about the structuring of power relations through human, technical, or hybrid control mechanisms. Essays cover a broad range of topics including police and military recruiters on campus, testing and accountability regimes such as No Child Left Behind, and efforts by students and teachers to circumvent the most egregious forms of surveillance in public education. Each contributor is committed to the continued critique of the disparity and inequality in the use of surveillance to target and sort students along lines of race, class, and gender. Special topics covered in this title include: security systems; police officers; audit cultures; standardized tests; marketing research; and military recruiters.Edited by Torin Monahan, Rodolfo D. TorresContributions by Aaron Kupchik, Nicole Bracy, Michael Apple, Paul Hirschfield, Ronnie Casella, John Gilliom, Andrew Hope, Tyson Lewis, Pauline Lipman, Richard Matthew, Lizbet Simmons, Valarie Steeves, Tyler Wall, Jen Weiss
