Man Pranks Coworkers With Live Background During Video Call

  • 4 years ago
This man pranked his team members during a video call. He created a live background with himself doing activities and used it during the call. His coworkers admired his creativity and laughed at the prank.
00:00On this bar, one editorial issue was nuts, which, you know, that's saying something.
00:10I think it's a really, really good piece, it's really strong, and the team for the pictures
00:15and all of that worked really well, so well done.
00:20Really, really pleased with it, it's going out today.
00:23And it's timely because of what's happening in Yemen, a lot of attention on the world's
00:27most vulnerable, and this is our bread and butter.
00:31No one else is telling this story, and it's certainly not telling it as well,
00:36it's certainly not telling it as well as what we had in that edit.
00:39So that's awesome.
00:41The next cab off the rank will be Locusts.
00:48We've already recorded that, so Kath, you've sort of moved on that one,
00:54which makes things a bit easier on us, buys us a bit of time, gives us a bit of a breathing space.
00:59But also, I actually think that people are getting a bit weary of coronavirus edits.
01:06There's a lot of content out there.
01:09This is plagued on top of a pandemic, so I think it will be a nice balance, a little bit of respite.
01:19Sad, sad but true, but again, who's telling these stories?
01:23Am I the only one who can see someone that looks like Khaldoon's twin behind him?
01:27No, you're not. I've been looking at it for hours.
01:30I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mariana, but it was just...
01:32I don't.
01:35How did he do that?
01:37He made a Zoom background.
01:39You've got way too much time on your hands.
01:43Where's the Zoom background option?
01:45I'm trying to disable it, one second.
01:49Mariana, I've not been listening to you for the past five minutes because I've just been looking at it.
01:53I know, I know, I can see it.
02:01I've been worried about her mental stability, now I'm convinced.
02:05Dude, scissors and everything?
02:10He's cutting his own hair.
02:11That's amazing.
02:13Oh God, you're insane.
