Quarantining Couple Gets Married Over Video Call Joined in by Family and Friends

  • 4 years ago
This couple had a fairytale love story, beginning from their teenage years with gaps in between till they met again a year ago. They decided to get their marriage officiated over a video call during the coronavirus pandemic. It was a heartwarming moment for their family and friends who witnessed their matrimonial union through a video call as well.
00:00Take the ring and place it on the ring finger of Natalie's left hand and repeat after me.
00:09I will take you, Natalie Knapp, to be my wife.
00:18My partner in life.
00:23I choose you every day.
00:28I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.
00:39I will trust you and honor you.
00:45I will laugh with you and cry with you.
00:49Through the best and the worst, through the difficult and easy, whatever may come, I will
01:01always be there.
01:06As I give you my hand to hold, so I give you my life to keep.
01:16And I promise to always be kind to you till death do us part.
01:26Natalie, take the ring and place it on the ring finger of Will's left hand and repeat
01:32after me.
01:36I, Natalie, take you, Will, to be my husband.
01:46My partner in life.
01:51I choose you every day.
01:56I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.
02:07I will trust you and honor you.
02:12I will laugh with you and cry with you.
02:18Through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy, whatever may come,
02:30I will always be there.
02:35As I give you my life to keep.
02:38And I promise to always be kind to you till death do us part.
02:49Now family and friends, please reach out and take the hands of those who are next to you
02:55or simply reach out and touch the computer screen.
03:00We will all make a circle around you both, Natalie and Will.
03:06Witness how the love of Natalie and Will connect us all tangibly as our hands are connecting
03:15to you at this very moment.
03:18It takes a village.
03:21If you allow your hands to support them when they struggle, congratulate them when they
03:28achieve their dreams, that love will always return to you.
03:34Peace be with all of you.
03:37In as much as you have consented to be united in the bonds of matrimony and have exchanged
03:45your vows before all of those present today on Zoom, therefore by the powers vested in
03:52me and by the state of New York and Indiana, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
04:01You may seal your vows with a kiss.
04:05It's a little different.
04:14What I wanted to say was thank you to Natalie and Will, and I'll tell you why.
04:20About a year ago, we found out that you were engaged, and we would meet with our friends,
04:30and as friends do, they ask you, so how's Will?
04:36And we would always say, Natalie and Will want to get married, and they would be like
04:44really happy.
04:45We would do it, and I couldn't say it enough.
04:49Natalie and Will want to get married.
04:53And so that saying just went to my heart, and it made me happy every time I said it.
05:03I couldn't have said it enough, and then all of a sudden I realized it's more than just
05:11making me happy, because it was occurring in the middle of a pandemic, when the newspapers
05:23are full of grim statistics of illness and death and awfulness, and we're knowing way
05:35too much about ventilators these days, and we all now know what PPE means, and Natalie
05:46and Will want to get married, and the economy is crashing, and millions of people are losing
05:59their jobs, not having a paycheck, and Natalie and Will want to get married, and in a time
06:12of our country when there is so much division by color, by religion, by sexual preference,
06:25when borders become walls, Natalie and Will want to get married, and now today here we
06:36are, and guess what, Natalie and Will got married, and if that doesn't give us hope
06:47in this crazy world, nothing does.
06:53So now we give to you our blessing on a marriage, a long marriage, we're doing 50 years next
07:03year, hope you get there, and when, I am just dead.
07:31We love you so much that there aren't enough words to tell you how much, but we give to
07:55you not only our blessing, but with Chick and Ian and Michael and all these faces and
08:08all these places, we all bring this pieces of love together today and unite it with you
08:17in this wedding, we all know that today we all got married a little bit, and love wins,
08:30in the end love wins, and we can be hopeful because of you, so thank you, Natalie and
08:37Will, congratulations, and here's to you.
